
It happens to you
Or someone you know
They become homeless
Not in the flow
They had had expectations
But then suddenly
The world fell in on them
The uncertainty

Of Life took a turn
For the worse and we found
The place where we lived
We were drowned
caught in the
Melee of circumstance we
Hopelessness took hold

Our place of abode
Was taken away
The refugee crisis
We now had to pay
Our rooms designated
For refugees so
We born in Manchester
We had to go

Pack our belongings
And go to the street
Sleep rough have no bed to lie on
The elite
Know not of our struggle
Or perhaps if they do
Don’t care about us
Which I now think is true

Out with the rubbish
Lost souls in a way
Our lives broken down
Our friends slipped away
All our imagination
Is squashed by it all
The street is our bed
Really just where we fall

Down by the bins
With the rats we proclaim
Our piece of England
The very same
Where is the government
Doing its thing
Housing the new ones
And the problems they bring

And us we are flotsam
Lost in the sea
Of sadness and terror
Our adversity
Becomes an irrelevance
Meaningless, we
Have become wild and weary
An absurdity

Just human strays
Scraping by on the street
Part of the great farce
So incomplete
No fixed abode
Life is suspended
Convinced that our load

Was too much to carry
Your Faces we see
But truthfully and sadly
Us most will not be
Able to feel what we are feeling today
Tossed out with the trash
At the end of the day

There are no answers
We just have to be
All sleeping rough
Conditioned to see
Life hour to hour
As thoughtlessness shows
A shadowy grief
As wildness does grip us
We lose our belief

We mistrust and we doubt
What the world puts about
We have no where to lay
And no money to pay
No where to wash
No food the cosh
Of sanity hits us
The bins maybe there
Where the big supermarkets
Share their despair

Other tired fingers
Have torn through the packets
Fill up our pockets
In side our jackets
We must find drinks too
Our lips are so dry
Our throats sore and feeling
We just need to cry

To share our lament
With the vermin for we
Have become the vermin
That others won’t see
We are the invisible people
We know
We Are lost we’ve been tossed
We have nothing to show

We have lapsed
We are rebuffed at every turn
Now its the refugees
And like them we learn
We are empty handed
Outclassed and outshone
And people are happier
When we have gone

So we do congregate
In an area where
All of us can share the despair
Of being an outcast
A forgotten soul
Living in misery
Out of control

You wish you could just
Knock on somebody’s door

But nobody loves you
Not any more

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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