A Whale with the hump

Cetaceans must feel awful
The frustration really must
Leave them feeling breathless
It really is unjust
The fisherman they often
Leave their gear around
Be it crab pots and anchors
And lines and nets
When found
By inhabitants, sea creatures
Without tools it would be
Restricting to their movement
And agonisingly

So very frustrating
All this human stuff
Dumped some cant be bothered
And we all have had enough
Of what is incorrectness
And indiscretion too
Just not really thinking
Of what could accrue

And this poor whale
Got tangled up
In crab pots and in nets
Yards of nylon filament
Anchor weights
Just sets
The heart a beating
Fishermen can be
Completely lackadaisical
What they throw in The sea

It happened several years ago
A fisherman could see
A hump back whale who clearly was
Suffering terribly
Really all this heavy line
Had entered its blubber too
And got into its baleen
And it must have took the view

Of hopelessness despite its size
And thought perhaps to use its eyes
To find a craft and try to see
Someone who might help it be
Saved at least to try at least
And the man relayed the case
The beast
Was trapped and a rescue group was sent
4 experienced divers in with her went

5 hours later cutting away
All the lines the Whale did stay
Close in knowing that help was here
And that if she waited it would all be clear
Plucking the wire from her baleen be
The diver was watched purposefully
He knew her eyes was firmly on
Him and his eye right upon

A military diver he had been
Had rescued people but had never seen
Or felt the rescue quite like this whale
Who clearly had picked the get out of jail
Card by attracting these men to
Spend those 5 hours all good and true

The Farralone Islands near the Golden Gate
They worked and worked to improve the fate
Of this great big whale with a great big eye
Who was Very humble and they knew why
Despite his massive weight and size
Without their help its was no surprise
She would die for certain she couldn’t be
Able to swim far in the sea

She remained calm throughout it all
Clearly aware of the long haul
As piece by piece each pot was taken
And she was really left forsaken
Considerate of what they had done
All five of them under the sun

As each man cut and pulled and wrapped
They realised how she had to adapt
Her swimming techniques for obviously
The lines were cutting into her body
Was it misjudgement who knows for she
Was tangled in knots extraordinarily
Left to her own resources she
Was going to tire out and die in the sea

They demonstrated the will to care
They felt her message which was why they were there
Its when they discovered we all have need
The size of a bus or the size of a seed
Whatever size we can help each other
Somebody’s father somebody’s mother
A team of carers one by one cut the ropes
Thats what they had done

And the cry of freedom was on her breath
A fountain of diadems instead of her death
She dived down deep and came back again
Clearly she knew and felt the gain
The freedom was back she would soon be
The queen again
in the big blue sea

So she swam away and came back to each
Diver in turn and she did just reach
Out to them with her sonic voice
They really didn’t have a choice
She overwhelmed them
With her love and thought
She was free again
And no more caught

A profound message to one and all
A great big eye
And a silent call
To the universe and to those who came
They had rescued her
And she couldn’t blame
Anyone here for the absolute joy
She felt when rescued from such a lovely boy

His name was James Moskito and he
Was completely flummoxed by what he did see
Her gratefulness and ardour too
As he pulled and pushed as they had to do
With honour and due respect for life
And life without the external strife
They respected her and give her care
And she was glad that they were there

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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