Kambo and vaccinations

The curative process is out there
Its presence becoming the way
Derived from what is truest Nature
Self-existing and clearly in play
A rainforest offers its bounty
To those whose perception is keen
To those living within its boundary
Intrinsically stepped in the green

Where the animal earthlings use instinct
The indigenous peoples do too
Their culture is close to their being
All seeing, immersion, all through
Its all about knowledge, the need to know
Each plant and each tree in their gaze
All of the earthlings surrounding their soul
From Phyllomedusa to Maize

The involvement of external forces
Has a relevance and it can be
An essential part of their life force
Known in the East as their qi
In part it is their authenticity
It is their antidote for
Their life not our life their life
Its something BIG PHARMA ignore

Essentially the making of money
Has usurped the reasons to heal
Now it is all about profit
How they go about that with such zeal
We really have nothing in common
With the Katukina,for they
Were born and they live in the forest
Whilst we probably live far away

Vibrational medicine lets call it that
We have conflict straightaway
Environments are living spaces
And where we are placed we should stay
Within those boundaries the curative forces
Grow and absorb who we are
We have to balance our intake accordingly
For us to feel always on par

Shaman in Colombia Peru and Brazil
May work their magic abroad
But the energy emanating from their wild spells
Comes with an invisible cord
Its a unique pathway of wisdom
It is then blessed to a few
Creation’s relation and mindful elation
Is not mean’t for me or for you

We have our own potent sources
The Temperate vibrations here
We have our plants and our trees
All around us
The knowledge much of it we clear
Our gardens are full of the curative souls
Our ignorance precludes that fact
And so we go half way around the world
Hoping to god we react

More favourably to some old Shaman
With the venom of some innocent frog
Who was gifted a toxin protecting its soul
As a consequence there in its bog
We assemble to rub off the toxin
And use it on Westerners who
Some may be vegans some may be sickly
Who expect the big cure to come through

For me its a symptom of arrogant thought
Coupled with a ignorance too
An example of successful brainwashing
BIG Pharma’s so good at that who?
Really goes out in our forests today
The foragers’ sure but we all
Have gardens or spaces where we grow the flowers
And the curative wild plants
Are born in rain showers
Its the knock on their door
Its our tentative cry
They are there at our door
So you tell me why?

They are seen as a weed
To be just tossed away
Quietly they sit there
Their extracts in play
Waiting and hoping your knowledge
Will be
Purposeful to you
They are there to cure thee

We are blind to the magic
The earth puts on show
Its too elementary
To go with the flow
Its an innate fear we have
Possibly so
But not offering our arm
To the needle on show

The nurse or the doctor
The respected few
Who relay BIG pharma
Into me,and you
Their noxious ingredients
Yes once again
We accept at face value
We are just like their drain

Their victim their experiment
That is our place
We are told they are saving us
Its a disgrace
That so many children
Receive a shot
And from that moment on
Their lives go to pot

What is it with all of us
Why do we trust
The men in white coats
Earning their crust
Pushing the drugs BIG PHARMa supplies
Which are killing so many
They are not the nice guys!

Far from it the margins
The shareholders they
Kick up a fuss when they don’t get their way
Don’t get their big dividends and
their trip around the world
That were bloody well planned

So many psychopaths stand at the gates
Selling utopian wisdom and we
Lean back and snooze in our euphoric states
Brainwashed to hell overcome by their plea
And now its the internet another tool
Its mortar is money
Wanted by all

And shamans arrive with their magic to sell
Animal earthlings enter their hell
Horns scales skin penises blood and the rest
The quacks are all out there doing their best
Our plant souls are calling us
But we fail to here
Of the curative value
Of plants bringing cheer

But the great advertising parasites they
Get into our heads from far far away
And all sorts of curatives spring then to mind
Frog skin toxins and Pangolin scales
Lets unwind
The clock, and go back in time for a while
Take a much closer more generous look
At the plants growing close to us
Or read your book
There is no purchase price and no VAT
So travelling half way round the world’s
Not for me

As for vegans by taking the toxin away
I deduce we reduce its toxic display
Its has to be stolen by criminals who
Are after the money and so to do
Frogs just waking up in the early morn
Get a visit from man and the toxin is torn
From their living person that must cost them awe
Again we are humans of course we ignore

Any pain and suffering when there’s money to be made
All the excuses its a personal raid
On an indigenous animal feeling the grief
Of losing more toxin beyond its belief
Frankly for indigenous yes let it be
But for Westerners offering the treatment
The qi

Fails in this instance it cannot be so
Focus on where you are,just see it through
Forget all those air miles
Do what you must do
Look in your garden go identify
The plants that are there
And ask yourselves why?

Would I let transgressors
Poison my child
Mercury, aluminium driving them wild
Glyphosate really whats it about?
Formaldehyde really I am left in no doubt
They want to harm us
And sadly they do
They Make lots of profit from people
Like you

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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