Once there was nothing
Just a great grassy plain
Over massive white chalk
Then reasonings chain
Became the ability
To just create
Circles of stone
At an alarming rate
Burial mounds hewn
From the chalk
Its there its all there just take a walk
On this most ancient site
A silent retreat
The true isolation
Felt beneath your feet
Such undulation
The genuineness
The sky seems much closer
And an absence of stress
Lifts the emotion
The silence is stark
Your imagination
Is beginning to mark
Out a bold outline
Of where you will go
And what you will feel
From the long long ago
How they got here
Who brought them
And why were they placed
Here these great circles
Can they be traced
Back to that era
The Bronze age of sort
A time of great change
In the way people thought
For us to experience
Our life today
And go to this henge
That, can blow us away
All that feeling and emotion
Its just everywhere
The cycle of life
It hangs in the air
Its uninterrupted
The passage of time
It flows like the wind
And now as we climb
Purposefully upwards
Our legs maybe do
Feel a bit of an ache
Did their legs feel that too?
Dragging those sarsons
And all of their weight
Pulling and stretching
Not much on their plate
Under the sun
Man to man
They would be
Erecting a monument
For all to see
The vastness of scale
The fullness of time
The great overflowing
The great need to climb
To Carry and lift
Such exertion and pain
It enters your spirit
Again and again
To embrace this completely
Is to feel the desire
To go back in time
With a heart full of fire
Inspired by photographs on Claudia Ferri ‘s timeline
And the memories of visiting there with Claudia and our route home via the swamp and the little owl a never to be forgotten experience x
Thank you for stopping by Tim mighty kind of you
Glad you liked it just written it this morning