In so many ways the human being
Allowed his curiosity
To take him into roads of
Unfathomable in many ways
And regrettable through every phase
When dealing with the Killer Whales
To me it is where mankind fails
His mission lost in corporate sin
The profit and loss now wearing thin
Guinea pigs cash cows and slaves
So many lost in watery graves
Because of us and our scrutiny
And our interpretation of what we see
Creation took a look around
And in the oceans what we found
Were massive souls with hearts of gold
And a prophecy of yet more gold
Investments in life were never true
corporates knew a thing or two
But really their anticipation
Was not divine and brought no salvation
The victims all would realise
That capture would herald their demise
The arrogance and the naivete
Would seal their fate So obviously
The narrow-mindedness was there
Science seemingly did share
A wisdom based on who paid who
For who paid made the decisions to do
The continued capture of Killer Whales
Of the Dolphin tribes On their watery trails
To under value their family trees
And to murder and kill just as they please
They demonstrated a crucial role
Their intuition it lacked true soul
Their arguments were profit based
Profit arguments seldom faced
The evidence was always there
But unfairness they did never share
Cruelty was a price they paid
A consciousness that did quickly fade
It became their rationality
For creatures living in the sea
Many have passed on lost as we
Regulated adversity
We covered it up and let them die
We failed to recognise by and by
We disregarded their peace of mind
We were neglectful we were blind
We had the answers we knew the score
We forced them to fight in our war
So many victims along the way
Our bigotry was so at play
We abused them so as well we know
And still use them Today
For us its science all the way
For our knowledge they still do have to pay
The vagary of our desire
A preposterous thought that leads to fire
The bitter end is coming fast
Captivity was not made to last
Prolonged torture became our crime
Obscurantists with their time
They are angels brought to show
Mankind a better way to go
Their shameful plea’s
And troublous ways
Will be with us all our days
Protestors drums beat loud and clear
Their voices are the storms some fear
Their use and adaptability
Their virtue and capacity
Edifying I have to say
Winning the argument today
Changing the minds and offering aid
To the victims now the stock in trade
Immaculacy in creative form
Flawless and faultless in the storm
Of protests growing louder now
Consummate in showing us how
The restoration of common sense
Getting the fallen off the fence
Into a sanctum of safety where
The greater pods can again share
A fluidity and a bastion where
The future with the support there
Deliverance a life line too
Freedom for the lot of you
Watching and learning
And being discerning
Righteousness goodness
Resisting temptation
Having due reverence and
To all the CEO’s and board members whose enterprises
Now hold stocks of cetaceans for entertainment purposes
You are my hero Rex
How lovely it is that you said that you are such a sweet soul yourself
Thanks for going to blog x