The Lion Boys

Once there were jungles to roam in
Then we were kings of the realm
Now what is left not a lot for us we
Will never be at the helm
Parks we are put there and made to wear
But the likes of Palmer and co
Are out there just flashing the big bucks around
And the locals are ready to show

Them where we are and tempt us they do
Luring us out so that we
Can be shot with their bow
And so down we go
That is the future we see
A bloody trophy on some arses wall
Our bones sent to China and we
Our spirit dies in the place we were born
Far removed from royalty

Now they are shooting us every day
Even the rangers come by and say
People move in to our countryside
And we get the bullets
But it is denied
People want homes
Where the kings once did roam
And now we are finished
We have lost our home

Now comes canned hunting
We are, worth more dead
Our skins and our tails
And our bones and our head
Fetch very good prices
So what chance is left
Africa soon will be bereft

Of its lions of its Rhino’s
Of its Elephants too
The rest they will languish
In some Chinese Zoo
And the caged Cats
Will wait and be done
Added to wine to be
Drunk in the sun

That is our destiny
Kings perhaps we
Actually never were kings
For we be
Lost in a mist missed rarely, and
We go to our deaths
And we do understand

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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