The Beltane play to be performed at the Rollrights stone

It be a joyful moment when the great
Wheel of the year
Comes around to Beltane
When the fire of life brings cheer
The maypole it be phallic
Raising it off the green
Deck it with flowers and wonderment
And abundance from the lean

A coming together of sun and earth
Where creation sweeps away
The angle of loves tangle
On any given day
The fires would smoulder skywards
The cattle maybe they
Would be driven through the herb smoke
To drive the tics away
Songs would be sung and how we would dance
Around the maypole gleefully
Being as positive as we could
Sharing its true vitality

First two verses read by Claudia

Look around and interact
With the natural gifts
Know how they are packed
trees and herbs and flowers
Healing forces with subtle powers

The ancestors lived, their lives were long
The country folk were ever strong
Plants and animals were their friends
Their Communication kind of sends
A message to us how we can go
Back in time,
and so follow
The ancient wisdom for it is there. TINA
For all of us its there to share

The trees create our vital breath
We in turn assist them too
What we expel the trees take on
Their stature and their Peace ensue
A symbol of Power and victory
The mighty oak we all agree
Has powers of such longevity

The Birch (Betula Pendula)
Lady of the woods they say
Coleridge had described them such
Watch them dance and watch them sway
Thrusting early leaves of green
Into forests that have been
Bare and wintry dark and cold
On their silver bark I am sold………….rex

The Hawthorn (Crataegus)
Spirited soul
Bursts with blossoms takes on its role
Beltane’s beacon magically
Highly scented and snowy white
A marker for May both sweet and light

The ROWAN (Sorbus Aucaparia)
The portal tree, the threshold to
the underworld and here
With apotropaic powers tis said
If its witches that thee fear
A dense wood good for carving
And berries birds admire
It was known as the wicken tree
With its truly inner fire
Tis said the devil hung his mother
On a Rowan tree
Beltane brings them into mind
And reminds us constantly. Claudia

The druids and their thinking power
Their understanding of each hour
Their inspiration and readiness
And gumption relieving inner stress
Enlightened in so many ways
To the magic around us
For as it plays
a significant role
In our daily chore
We must explore

We must stop exhausting the supplies out there
Learn to communicate
Learn to care
The magical herbs
That already are
Sharing their force fields
With each star

Lemon Balm Melissa she
Is a great cleanser effectively
A sedative in many ways
But uplifts the soul and really plays
Inhale her scent and feel her power
To clear the blockages in the now

Mint or Mentha will arouse
The conscious mind and all we see
Is negativity temporarily
Feeling that here it has no place to be

Dill (Anethum Graveolens)
Purification no one can
Smell its scent for it began
Already to clear the mind and head
And is a cure of hicpps its been said

Mugwort (artemesia vulgaris)
Awareness of psychic force
Awakens the deepest consciousness
The Moon is at its source
Crush fresh leaves and psychic dreams
Will follow and you will be
Flying through the cosmos
Possibly with me. Rex

Forsythia the golden boughs
Expressions of the sun
Its all about anticipation. Tina
When the day is done

Dandelions the north west corner
Of your property, plant them there. Claudia
And energy will be with you

Crocus enhances our visions
Bringing intuitive dreams. Tina
And New love in the offing
Subliminally it seems

Tulips for Prosperity
In love magic they are. Claudia
Purposeful and helpful
They can be your star

Violets bring you inner peace
And true tranquility
Night time magic can be had. Tina
By carrying leaves they be

Out there in their glorious states
Offering their all
The Dandelions can heal the head
And bones hear them, when they call
Sit with them and talk to them
Explain to them you are ill
And need their help to recover
And you will see they will

But if you dig them up or pull
Their flowers about alas
All their healing qualities
Will be lost in a morass
Of what you have created
A place of negativity
And in that role no healing plant
Can ever help you tragically

Our Beltane play is over
The bright fire all can see
We thank you that you listened
And caught our chance to be
All of us together
In this circle in this wheel
Half way between the SPring Equinox
And the Summer solstice

fertility is called upon
The seeds will come to be
Transforming all those wondrous thoughts
Into BELTANE energy
Can you all now feel it
Soon its power you will see
Breaking through the earth again. Rex
In its wish to be with thee.

In the process of development

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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