Temples and elephants

The pachyderms show fortitude and courage
In temples their nirvana clearly feels
Vacant and symbolic unfounded and just pointless
Their patience and their solace soon reveals
And outwardness and opportunity
To kick the life out of the friendly trainer
Who beats him with his stick incessantly

His feet are sore already from just standing
To feel the wrath and whipping cane as well
Just to move him in the right direction
In doing this he sends the soul to hell
And this a so called holy man of letters
Meditation every might and day
But when he gets the chance to beat an elephant
He thrashes at him with such vile dismay

See the pachyderms squirm and reel in agony
Feel the elephants breath and see his pain
Holding back he lets the trainer do it
And the trainer beats the elephant again
The temple carved and special stands behind us
With all its gold leaf shining in the sun
A gorgeous tree of such a green as heaven
The bird song in our ears can clearly stun
An aching heart and soulful mood those great big eyes
The pachyderm his term is at an end
These beatings are prolific there’s blood now to be seen
When All the elephant wanted was a friend

The holy men are lost souls in the wilderness of time
They pray to gods they do know know
When from their beds they climb
Imagining the obvious and caring for the few
There is no true priority in actually what they do
The morning wash is charged up with the immediacy of grief
As the trainer loses everything even his belief
Whatever the poor elephant does he is wrong in every way
Beaten about the ankles clearly in dismay
The senselessness is obvious
The amentia is not rare
The elephants in the temple
They all live in despair

Disillusioned by it all
Disgruntled and ill served
Unprepared and disappointed
And generally unnerved
Its kind of cloak and dagger
The abbot may not know
Truthfully his mendacity
Its caught up in his glow

The deception of each moment
The guile in which he finds
A tongue in cheek withdrawal
One of the sickest minds
Around to hurt a giant
Who could break you clean in two
But who you bash and torture
Because the creature just lets you

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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