The collapsed dorsal issue
We have heard from sea world who
Said it happens in the wild
Which of course isn’t true
Apart from 1- 5 per cent
It happens because of stress
Something in the environment
They just cannot redress
Oceans do have man made stress
Long lines seine nets, man
Jettisoned materials
Plastics things we ban
Radiation from FukushimA
PCB’s as well
Methyl mercury and more besides
So some places are Hell
But bath tubs full of
Chlorination and, clear water do
Provide a lot of unnecessary stress
As does their diet too
A habitat of lifelessness
No depth in which to go
To escape the UV rays that harm
Really harm them so
They are black not the best colour
For a creature in the sun
Which is why they paint on zink oxide
When the day is done
Its stressful being huge and having no where
To hide
Imagine the frustration and the fear
When someones lied
All sorts of stories coming out
Most of them untrue
And the orca slaves are suffering
And they don’t know what to do
So drop a fin provide a marker
Of their stress levels and
Possibly the human tribe
must begin to understand
But Sea World isn’t into
serving cetaceans need
Its all about the bottom line
And where that does lead
Then the trainers what do they really know
Not a lot lets say
They are not marine biologists
They are performers
And their pay
Is suitably much lower
Its poor judgement all the time
With great souls floating on the surface
In their own acrid slime
One must wonder why young tilikum
Killed trainers in his way
Remember how they caught him
And made the baby pay
They injured and killed his mother
Orca’s as we know make a great play
Of the matriarch all along the way
So one moment the pod is wild and free
In their cetacean university
Instinctive knowledge being beamed
From the elders to the young who seemed
Able all emotionally
To work the ocean and to be
Captured in such a violent way
Marine cowboys on that day
Vile dark rotters heartless fools
And tilikum it just appals
And a thinking caring soul
Tilikum took on his role
And now so many others are
His children now he becomes the star
But in his spirit is all this woe
His resentment it does show
In the babies eventually
Who attack their trainers
Lets wait and see
The SEAWORLD picture had forgot
That Tilikum he might just rot
In some bath tub which is true
But in his mind its going through
Back and forth what man has done
Killed his mother on the run
He has the power of memory
And the strength to try to be
Able to avenge his mother
His DNA is like no other
A ticking time bomb for sea world
Profit and disaster both are hurled
Together in the blood of those
Given his sperm as the world knows
No more breeding so they say
But the middle East is not far away
Sea pens are the way to go for
Lolita and Morgan as we all know
Both Have suffered really terribly
And they need to ditch this misery
Just for the rest of their sweet life
Prisoners otherwise fed on strife