Toxic at any level
Lead its ultra bad
They took it out of petrol
And solder for it had
Devastating results
On us
It also used to be
In all paint
But it has been taken
Out of paint most see
So why are shotguns
Full of lead
Farmers and shooters too
And a massive amount of shots are fired
Its what hunters do
Not every shell makes contact
Some come down and fly
And some are lodged in birds
They shoot and
Lay there and just die
Eaten by other wild souls
Who ar killed off by the lead
It gets into the environment
Yes thats what I said
In deer in swans in other game
And sits there on the ground
In birds that are eaten
In the guts of hunters found
Its a lethal substance
But because the toffs do use
Lead shot in its many forms
And it does abuse
Us all in many many ways
Its allowed to be
Used and used and used and used
Its out there smouldering free
And they are in denial
Tungsten and then steel
It is more expensive
And so wont appeal
But the law must change
And stop these buggers
Ruining the land
And Killing undeniably
Wild fowl out of hand