In the presence of animals
One clearly feels
A givenness as a matter of fact
It reveals
A whole lot of questions
Why the sacrifice
Why abandon the laws
To protect in a trice
The fox looking after the hen house
Futile and foolish
It raises the fears
In most peoples minds
But the tories they say
Cut the red tape
Let the animals pay
The pathological journey
To profit and loss
With a stock holding of animals
And with the boss
Taking a share of the business
Where he
Cuts out the welfare
And invariably
Thats when the contact is lost
At a sweep
The ethos of caring
When the profiteers reap
Dividends clearly
Reducing their cost
By reducing their workforce
When procedures are lost
Thats when frustration and unkindness appears
So this is misplaced
And it raises my fears
Leaving the corporates to police their own
Is leaving the criminals
To do it I groan
It will not work but it suits them to try
They get their backing
And we all know why
Already the farmers the CAFO brigade
Are cruel and unhelpful
There is no parade
Of caring or sharing
They short cut and we
Watch the secret videos
And cry naturally
Frustration and short cuts
The slaughtering does
Cause terrible suffering
We hear the buzz
The tears and the blood sweeping down
From on high
But the TORY ministers
Do not know why
They are not sentient
Not any more
They want to repeal fox hunting for sure
Wild animals in circus
Hare coarsing too
Chasing the deer they know what to do
Animal rights and experimentation
They want to see more
Its their relation
Ship with the corporates
That gives them funds
That keeps them in government
And truly stuns
The vast opposition
Who work for us all
But actually nowadays
They all heed the call
Of the new world order
The great banking men
Who call all the shots
And tell us all when
The privileged class
MP’s salary
And bloody expenses
On top actually
They are the new toffs
Licking arses of those
Rich farming conglomerates
And CEO’s
We animal rights angels
We set them back
Our secret cameras
Well they attack
The ethic of business
The AG Bills abroad
We really all are what they cannot afford
So criminals then police
Themselves and we
Watch all animals slaughtered
Who be
Even worse off than now
Thats for sure
In reality once again
We are at war