Candles alight for Tilikum

Candles are alight and burning
For the morality of the discerning
Those who love the killer whales
Their dorsal and their flapping tails

The ones who swim the ocean
Filled with true devotion
Not the wretched victims
Seaworld stole
Each soul
prisoners in detention
And one That I must mention
Tilikum from Icelandic seas
Who at two years old SEA world did seize

Capturing a wondrous pod
With bombs and sea planes
They made a rod
For all their backs
And without a doubt
The evil story
It came out

The babies surfaced
And we all knew
The malice from the sea world crew
Later those who did this thing
Broke down and cried
And it did bring

Contempt upon the Sea World group
Whose Orca’s swim in their own soup
They boast about what they have done
What they have brought into the sun

These huge great souls for all to see
Their insolence and servility
Social animals swept away
From all their instincts we can say

tilikum has suffered so
And Sea World should shut up shop and go

Have the courtesy let them be
Put in big pens in the sea

Count your losses wave goodbye
For Tilikum he soon may die
Lets see the turnstiles begin to rust
With more and more feeling disgust

For what you have done to our fearless friend
That half the world will now defend
So much anger surfaced he
Killed poor Dawn as we did see

Blaming her and her pony tail
When in fact sea world did fail
Many blackfish come to be
They are witnesses and they see

Killer whales thats what they are
And its tilikum thats become a star

What is happening to Tilikum
Unlike your audience brutally dumb
Close your doors open the gates
Give the world your closing dates

The malevolence is everywhere
Laced with rottenness and despair
We need to see and end to this
So that the cetaceans live in bliss

In their habitats in the sea
Far away from you and me

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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