The Pride

A pride of twenty six is quite
A lesson for us all
16 female and 10 males
A very demanding school
2 males on the outskirts
Scent marking every day
And roaring like the clappers
Keeping other males away

Thats a lot of bodies
To be fed to hunt and kill
When most of them are children
They shout a lot but fill
Their bellies they are not up to that
They are greedy and know it all
But its all down to us females
To try to overhaul

To get a kill is one thing
Thats when the males begin
To push their dominance onto us
And really try to win
We ar doing all the donkey work
And then getting pushed around
Theybdo all the bullying
On the bloody ground

Some have had to clear off
Our battle with the clan
Did nothing really for our moral
And it still was hard to scan
The hunt the way of victims
The kill With novices here
High on arrogance and thats all
And still exerting fear

Water is pretty easy
The river is to where
But meat it really must be caught
The planning all must share
We have a our great night vision
What we have to do
is chase and catch
And work as one
And be the hunting crew

We managed to bag a Zebra
And tear it limb from limb
Eat it whilst it was alive
18 lions the whim
Of all this torrid terror
Of fighting through a kill
Scratching like so many morons
Wounding each other till

All of us are unhappy
That will never do
We have to learn to hunt together
Or fail you know its true
And then we find a Giraffe
And off he goes like mad
Again we miss the target
Which is altogether sad

And then we find a Hippo
3 tons of flesh and blood
18 lions against one hippo
Easy pickings flood
Through the youth all crazy
But the hippo runs away
Not before it has crushed the head
Of a Lioness, and they say

Its her lot, she is finished
A mortal violent blow
And once again no meat to eat
We must get in the flow
We have to learn to hunt and kill
And share and act as one
For a pride to be successful
When all is said and done

There’s enough food on the table
And we all learn how to be
Hunters in this wilderness
Be diligent and see
The game we have to catch them
We have to make our kill
If we all go hungry
If blood we do not spill

We really put ourselves at risk
Without the guarantee
Of fresh meat on the table
We are finished actually
And so we learn our lesson
how ever hard it be
Catch and kill and share at will
And remain entirely free

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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