The ignorance of the hunter
As insensitive as a log
A dead log full of fungi
Lying beside a bog
A big old nine point
Lies limp and gone
In this arse holes truck
A deer comes over to see his friend
Who had ran out of luck
He talks to the little animal
And sends it on its way
“Ive a buddy up there
Who will eat you any day”
Tommy thats another red neck
With nothing between his ears
And this little dear put aside his fear
An expression of his tears
He came to see this evil
Who gunned his brother down
He came to take his scent back
To send this troll to town
In Jasper thats the place of course
Where red necks talk to deer
“Get out of my fucking four wheels”
This strong man feels the fear
“I just shot your buddy
What are you trying to do
You think you can ruck on me
Fuck off now will you”
then he films and pets the soul
And sends him on his way
The innocence beyond the troll
On any given day
His scrunched up fist we see it
The tension that is there
Did he think this deer had come to fuck him
Of empathy and compassion
And any quality
The red neck sends him up the path
To be shot too hopefully
This video is awful
The worst intentions show
The spitefulness the bitterness
How apparently it does grow
The sourness and the rancour
The arrogance so there
Ill wishing and ill natured
Creating more despair
Hardbitten and ungenerous
An evil speaking creep
Who actually thinks bad of all souls
His expletives all are cheap
He threatens and he challenges
With his ominous intent
But the deer shows only nonchalance
Which of course is what was meant