The unconsciousness of people
Who negligently buy
From the high street stores
And the markets
Which is why so many have to die
Is the cruelest nastiest fashion
In utter agony
Torn limb from limb
For all the trim
That around the streets we see
On anoraks on collars and cuffs
I cannot begin
To explain to you how painful
Their lives and death the sin
Of purchasing from China
And not paying enough
These Western buyers
Many are liars
They talk about how tough
It is to make a profit
Don’t believe a word they say
In their fancy knightsbridge stores
Those high rates they can pay
And still have healthy balance sheets
Its the traders far away
And the poor unfortunate animals
Who with their bodies pay
Due diligence forget it
Just look down every street
Racoon dog and Racoon
Coats and, on peoples feet
Trim on boots and trim on shoes
Where is the honest care
The mindlessness of the public
It does it drives me spare
Anal electrocution
A poker up their arse
Some metal to bite down upon
A car battery you say pass
But you still go in harvey Nichols
And Harrods and the rest
Noses in the fucking air
Some how you think you are best
Whilst These poor souls go mad
In wire cages unfed and they are
Prisoners now all their lives
Their bodies how we scar
Our many concentration camps
Lines of them there are
Animals all screaming
And ignored from afar
Open wounds no veterinary
Nobody there cares
Its violence and its madness
Of course it bloody scares
The life out of these victims
Families and they will
Be stunned and then all skinned alive
So much blood we spill
Faux fur much of it is dog
It isn’t faux at all
faux is too expensive
For me it does appal
How so many of you buy into this
Murder and this pain
And waltz about in London
With your ignorance made plain