Spring Lambs

The epitome of innocence
The joyfulness the thrill
The ultimate bounce of gladness
Their enchantment still
Countenanced with blessedness
A full life on the way
A start of something wonderful
Pleased as punch lets say

Refreshing the ecstasies
Appreciating it all
Dancing in their sweet repose
Starry eyes and cool
Sparkling streams of sunlight
On each frosty morn
Diadems just everywhere
Their great delight of Dawn

Their mothers milk so nurturing
So pleasurable so sweet
Everywhere so picturesque
Behold their dancing feet
Idyllic every sight they see
A beautiful refrain
Vitality and laughter
Rollicking again

Innocence and playfulness
The purity of soul
Undefiled and seldom riled
Benevolent control
A modesty of manner
A chaste certainty
Little wooly angels
Glorified and free

Those of us who see with eyes
And hearts and minds and soul
Those of us who feel the great
And who dole
Out the shared emotions
As the little charmers play
But suddenly are not in the fields
They have been sent away

All that Spring like quality
And its not to elysian fields
They have been carted off
To the abattoir
Bumping up the yields
For the butcher and the market place
Where all will take their cut
Hung up on the gantry chains
The heavy doors slammed shut

Their crimson blood is drained
Such agony we feel
Rob dear Rob we are with you
Their end was very real
That savagery that wickedness
That lack of conscience came
Suddenly whilst we laying sleeping
The rascality of blame

What could they have been thinking
Not knowing right from wrong
There was no guardian angel
To join the tragic throng
Manhandled by each sinner
Humanity asleep
The foul mouthed and abusive
Their lives had been so cheap

With all those worst intentions
The viciousness and spite
Unloving and unaffectionate
Out went all the light
The enmity of reason
The rancour of the hour
The loss to our humanity
And intrinsically our power

Inspired by a thought expressed by
My friend Rob Hill
On the plight of the lambs

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Spring Lambs

  1. Claudia says:

    Thank you Rex and yes the plight of lambs oft forgotten, bless the innocents amongst us x

  2. Rex says:

    So many go to their deaths so the masses can fill their guts with their entrails sacrifice their and build up their karmic overdraft


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