islamic law describes
That dogs are unclean
Well So to say
If ever they are caught
The police will put away
A bitch had given birth
Her innocent family
By her side
The police came up
And strung them up
There was no place to hide
The video is accompanied
By a sad song in farsi
It broke me up the solemn tones
As if a threnody
Was piercing into my heart
Holding back the tears
Wondering how that mother managed
With eternal fears
Their existence was a giving
A potentiality
Created and eternal
Their intrinsicality
Lost for they are hanging
In the street and soon will die
A dance of death
Losing their breath
My question clearly why?
Each joyful little puppy
Looking to its mum
To save it from this evil
Under the states big thumb
Their throats becoming sorer
The air becoming less
Their bodies weighing down
And the oncoming stress
Choking they ar choking
And their mother is choking too
She swings about she has the doubt
But there is nothing she can do
She brought her babies to this place
She took that control
And now they all are hanging free
Every precious soul
The beginning wasn’t long ago
The ending soon will be
She looks across at the dangling souls
And just about can see
Some are quiet one is shaking
As her poor young heart is breaking
She is suffering and she is aching
The hideosity I feel
Just looking at them its unreal
The panic and the agony
I know what it does for me
That a nation takes this attitude
One look it is so dreadfully crude
So sickening this ugly way
Babies have to end their day
Iran must look into its soul
Must see the canine spirits role
They have a place in creations whole
For each one is born with a soul
And to be hanged in this awful way
Is to give what is a vile display
That tears ones heart out in its vulgarness
The alienation and bitterness
Its hard to re cover from seeing this
A family that should be experiencing bliss
But is hanging because of the murdering hand
Who really fails to understand