
When we found her lifeless body
We were mortified
We cried,
and, we have been
Crying ever since
Our darling dog
had been gunned down
She actually drowned in her own blood
No matter how we ponder
It is still hard to convince

Any of us that she has gone
And that someone had taken aim
And ended her existence
In what was for them a game
She was undeniably everything
A friend is and could be
Her loss is so heartbreaking
For we loved her earnestly

We hear her in our sleeping hours
The forests light and shade
Those eyes of hers
She shared them
And how alone she laid
Motionless and suffering
As the bullet reached her soul
She would have been beside herself
Losing that control

Pitching her affection
With the love she had inside
Trying somehow to reach us
Which someone had denied
Her that possibility
To come back to us all
And let us see those bright eyes
One more time No she did fall

Her sentiment and responsiveness
And her earnestness to be
Back in our hearts which is where
She will always be

As for the ugly someone
Who took her life that day
Who shot her watched her
Possibly heard her
as she passed away
“Anubis” knows the answers
He knows she was our star
Best give yourself up honestly
For he knows where you are

She gave us so much pleasure
She was a joyful soul
Her suffering is killing us
Its so hard to control
The grief that is within us
For “Saphira” our dear friend
For her memory is forever
And that love can never end

For the Lind family

Our hearts go out to you all

From Claudia and Rex in the United

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to “Saphira”

  1. Claudia Ferri says:

    Beautiful Rex, made me cry. For Saphira and all of the other misunderstood, mistreated souls made victim of our stupidity and cruelties.
    Thank you X

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