Remember these are victims
Of rape and kidnap, they
Are treated by our squalor
And our murderous display
We are the thinking caring sentient
Beings so to say
But we drink their milk and force their hand
Till the poor souls pass away
Our total lack of conscience
And disingenuousness
The injustice of each beating
And we do not care a less
We scoff down creamy chocolate
And enjoy the ploughman’s lunch
We turn away from their bleating
And we will not count each punch
These little babies crying
Drooling feeling sick
The farmers are a bunch of shits
On baby calves they pick
Their fight and punch and slap
And kick
This is what they do
Eke out their frustration
And cruelty rings true
They appear in self denial
Corrupted it astounds
Double dealing good for nothing
Miserable violent clowns
Ugly indefensible
in everything they do
Cram them into tiny crates
Chained up egregiously too
The way their legs are forced under them
Its totally unkind
It doesn’t achieve anything
Except they lose their mind
Much quicker they cannot believe
How seriously underhand
The human being tends to become
Who works now on the land
Watch the babies eye balls
Rotating out of their sockets
Clearly suffering immense stress
If only there were pockets
Of resistance they could go to
Instead its improbity
The stress of being cramped up in a box
You have to see
It now to believe it
They move in ugly ways
Clearly full on suffering
Innocence now pays
A high price just to be here
Some stuck there on the floor
Lying in their excrement
They cannot move anymore
Mucus dripping from their noses
From their mouths we see
Blood snd snot and sticky discharge
They must want to free
Themselves of what is hell on earth
Torture and vivid pain
And as they try to rest a little
They are beaten up again
These men they want shooting
If you look into their eyes
They are violence personified
Their mouths are full of lies
Bashing a sick baby
Can you imagine that
Slapping their face its a disgrace!
And they don’t even bat
An eyelid thats the farming mob
These babies suffer so
And death it is so brutal
In the firing line they know
And blood is pouring from their noses
Sweeping their heads and a trail of bood as well
We gave them a life of abject evil
The meat trade is a dark excuse for hell
These are babies remember little babies
Their innocence is all that they can claim
In a sorry state but clearly with a date
Death is around the corner yea the same
And expletives from these ugly filthy ruffians
More slaps more kicks more blows
Thats All you do
Is watch these babies shy away
And try to just escape
And this goes on and on and on its true
If you are one of the sentients
Who eat veal
Or drink milk then this lesson is from me
The milk you help to steal from out of these
Poor babies mouths
Will come back soon to sicken you you will see
So do not blame the universe
And all the sad excuses
You are guilty like many souls before
Its in your juices
As you guzzle down the creamy dreamy pus ridden
Cow juice
You completely fuck your organs up
And really thats for sure
Your skin will throw off all those fatty globules
You will age a lot before your time
Good riddance i
Say to you
you are selfish and unfeeling
Open your ears and listen
TO those poor calves
Yes boo
Screaming from their bellies
In a hopeless world where they
Come here to be tortured
And kicked around all day
And we call that a life
Those beatings rape and kidnapped states
We shut our ears
We wont share their fears
And care nothing of those dates
That mark the end of creation
When they are shit to death
So we can steal yea all their milk
And deny them breath
Written on a cold night in Hotel Anno
In Almere in the Netherlands.
Room 25 a room above a night club