Backwards and forwards one tiger
Two or three paces
Then he
turns around
And faces backward
This is adversity!
3 tory MP’s vote NO
For seemingly they want to see
Wild animals be
and their horrors grow
And for what so our children
Can know
How wild souls are mean’t
To do tricks
Lions, Tigers,
and Elephants
Really how they get
Their fix
By living in cramped up conditions
Fed on dead food every day
Trapped in their cages for ages
And shacked with chains
All the way
This is the light of the circus
This is a reason to sigh
This is your honest decision
To incarcerate them till they die
Animals they require freedom
To hunt and to live our each day
Not to be slaves to a circus
Who mistreat them and just make them pay
In this day and age
We must stand up
For the animal earthlings who are
Lost in our vile world of commerce
Which tragically only can scar