My thoughts on” A sealed fate”The plight of the harp seals

I watched the film
I took it in
To explain I have followed
And all the sin

of slaughtering babies
For their cute fur
And selling it to those
Who seem to concur

To the profitability angle abroad
They do very nicely
For some can afford
Harp seal trousers
And harp seal skirts
Bought on the internet
Despite how it hurts

For years I have written
Epically too
Believing that one day
This whole sorry zoo
Of fishermen
Political fools
Would end this debacle
And admit Nature Rules

But it hasn’t happened
Though Trudeau just might
Realise now that they are the light
Fish stocks are not affected at all
We the polluters must answer the call

The film began in a most earnest way
There was hope engendered as it did play
Undoubted effort to get them all where
The seals would be in the crisp island air
We heard the meaningful words and we thought
Such inspiration clearly so caught
Those of us watching in a hopeful mood
For the pictures, for the story however crude

The sky such a sky such a palette of dreams
A powdery blue and varietal creams
Deep citrusy orange a halo of hope
On those icy crazed floe’s where photographers cope
They landed on Price Edward Island and saw
A few seals just scattered around and then more
On a frozen sea this icy refrain just like crazy paving
And there they did gain
a foothold in their, survival red
They took lots of photographs as the time sped
Fluffy white babies nursing away
Some eating snow so gentle that day
Just laying prostrate on all this cold
And able to manage as softly they rolled

Big black wet eyes innocent souls
They look out at each of us
Performing roles
Beautiful whiskers
Their umbilical cord
Dragging behind them
The sea birds reward

Their mothers from out of the blow holes
After two hours there was the urge
to stay
But they had to get back to New York
To sort out the admin and really to talk
All through they were hopeful their permits would come
So a few shots they got meaning they had with some

Nigel spoke of the need to be there
To witness the slaughter and thus to share
Gave a spot to a fisherman much was hearsay
Who talked about how seals took their fish away
They ate all the cod fish from their children’s plates
He had killed 5 seals once they had been like weights
Around his sad head he just could not kill
Anymore of them he had had his fill

Its not a good argument and we didn’t need
to think along
Those lines to ever succeed

There is balance in all things predator/prey
Man is the imbalance take him away
For all these scenario’s are what we see
Just complete equilibrium wilder and free

So they went back home and after 14 days
Came back but their permits they could not raise
There were so many rules,an inflexibility
An intolerance really I am sure you will agree
On the part of the authorities the letter of law
So they went off to Sydney where they seemed more sure
They witnessed some boats but really so few
There had been fatalities among the crew
Of murdering sailors out on the ice
But really and honestly it wasn’t nice

They came to record pictures of the hunt
270000 each punt
Was a baby its big eyes wide open to see
The murdering pick slashing people who be
There for a moment to crush and to skin
So few were filmed but each time a great sin
Was there for humanity to offer excuses
To remark how we followed their blood trail of juices

A few hungry seabirds ready to swoop
This remarkable place and this bog ugly troop
Of murdering scum bags seen here to be
Doing Gods work but pure infamy!

Some of the babies we saw close up
Might all be victims each 4 week old pup
Were beautiful and designed there to be
But due to our arrogance skinned rapidly

So that Canada has enough food on its plate
We should share what we have been given and wait
Our turn in the grand queue not just steal it all
And kill off the others those who now crawl

Who live where they were put and eat what they are told
Their god given right to live out in the cold
But they cannot share the bounty they have to be
Subservient really yes,to you and me

I thought it was gentle and not enough said
It has gone on too long too many are dead
The blood trails are ominous the rest left to thought
The authorities clearly had and they sought

Their way of controlling the issue and we
Saw Very little of the reality
Its a hazardous place we have to agree
Only one type of man would ever be

Drawn to do this work each hole in each pelt
The hunter is docked of his bounty so felt
That shooting is costly thats why they do
The thrashing the bashing and very few

Escape with the agony deep in their throats
As their murderers leap on them off of their boats
Down the gangplank of death bashed over the head
And skinned some alive in their own trail of red

To me it was sad in a whole different way
The money spent doing this what it did say
Was we know that it happens but they bloody well knew
They were not going to let us see it is true

And if I had invested my funds into this
I wouldn’t have left there feeling much bliss
Still without permits but permitted to
film from the helicraft, some of the crew
Who Dared to imagine the pain those beautiful harp seals
Again and again
lost to the world of nature and light
Killed off by sub humans believing their right

For the fur they ship and the penises too
From some of the Bulls we remain clueless who
In their right minds would allow this
Lets hope that Trudeau
will walk in the light
And by next year say NO

Sent tweet to Mr Trudeau personally

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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