Just one little dog cried and this was the reason

It happened at Baldwin Park Animal Services
One little dog he just cried
Beside himself lost to the world
His whole being was denied
Tossed on the scrap heap of dignity
Lost in a threatening field
Divorced of humanity
Close to insanity
At that moment it all was revealed

The ungraciousness of human beings
Their offhandedness and boorish style
Left in a place alone without trace
To lay down and die for a while
Just looking out of a cage into no where
Hearing the sounds on the street
But nobody caring and nobody sharing
Only him feeling the heat

The family who loved him
Left him and just went away
This is the human phenomena
This is what happens today
Everyone has their agenda
And if you are not on it
Too bad
You are a waif and stray
Not worth the time of day
Yes life for you can be sad

You are only a dog when it boils down to life
Not worth an extra hour
Of anyones time
And if you can’t climb
Out of your pit well then now

You have to put up or shut up
Nobody cares any more
That you need the love of a human
You who sit there on the floor

Cry bark and yelp what are you on
We decide what you must do
And if you are sad or if you feel bad
We humans feel that way too

You want us to pat you
To feed you
To share with you our nice home
What are you going to give back in response
Nothing just more work
A tome

Could be written about all the stray dogs
And you are just one of that bunch
Nothing to look at why should we care
Why should we give you our lunch?

And this is the thought in this little dogs mind
Lost on the planet of woe
Where if you have four legs
And bark at the burglars
Sadly now you have to go

Nobody want to go walk in the rain
The kids want to watch the TV
Or their playing on mind craft
You are a nuisance
You see

And picking up poops no one wants to
And leaving them there isn’t right
So really we would rather see you in books
Than really have you in plain sight

This little soul has reached into someones heart
And they have adopted him so a lovely end to what appeared
A terribly sad beginning x

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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