
The magnificence of Africa
It is its culture that defines
A country of such diversity
Where that amazing sun still shines
The great drums you can feel them
Reverberate and pound
Your heart creates the melody
And each breath the vital sound

The roar of those great jungle kings
And the trumpeting I hear
The Elephant a gentle beast
That sounds well in my ear
So many of your wild animals
Each occupying sound
The graceful the lithe the beautiful
That leap that jump that bound

The Rhinoceros a gentle giant
With an armour coated skin
Who knows you are there
From a long way off
And his horn of keratin
Is so Highly prized in China
For all the wrong reasons and they
Are being hacked off visibly
In the most depraved of way

And a North korean official
Usurping his politital bag
Trading in the precious horns
Under the cover of his flag
Such a vile conclusion
His punishment should be
Nemesis to get to grips
With his eternity

Bloody stumps are visible
Frightening wounds that scrape
One’s eyeballs from one’s sockets
In the ugliest kind of rape
Suppurating messages sunk into the brain
Caught red handed doing it
And part of a chain

The unrighteousness the iniquity
The immorality
Of hiding really in plain sight
The shamelessness we see
An irreproachability
A virtue to be sure
Cracked open by corruption
By treachery and more

The canned hunts their dark exposure
Their deviousness and laxity
The word is harvesting an unfair stancd
Their betrayal actually
Disdainful of their station
Their majesty abroad
Violating their freedom
And murdered as a reward

The bully boys are out in force
Ready to cut and run
Ready to bruise and batter
Fair mindedness undone
Vengeful quick to anger
With threats about to blow
Implacable and vindictive
All part of the show

Africa its angels
Are ready in the wings
Ready to support all the jungle kings
March and speak up for animals
Not voiceless anymore
We stand with them we fight for them
And no one will ignore

The cry of hope and glory
The passion of those who
Know we can make a difference
Together we can do
So much a coming together
Of mindfulness and heart
Each soul urge springs eternal
Reappearing on the chart

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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