A lonely soul

I was a being
All seeing I thought
An arborial master
Few could climb faster
Evolution had set me
Goals to be scored
I was immortal
And not overawed
And so excited
And never bored

Then came the palm oil
The explosion, was so
Alarming as the corporates
Just wanted to grow
Down came all our forests
Our Paradise was lost
Then Up went the oil palm
And that has really cost

We became so helpless
No trees where we could play
Padding on the litter
We can’t do that all day
So susceptible to injury
And dangers which occur
We really are arborial
And we always were

For me I found such emptiness
When humans took me in
It was no nirvana
And I became so thin
They were never visionaries
They just left me outside
Chained me up and installed me
On a rubbish tip and they lied

Their heads off to the authorities
Who thought I was being cared
For in some small sanctuary
All lies and that they dared

To lie when I was chained onto a plank
Of wood and left
So tight around my neck out in all weathers
So bereft
from comfort and from shelter
For two long years of pain
Of being left alone no body cared
Or saw the strain

“japik” someone called me
I got dirty I got wet
I wore a filthy jacket
So They thought that I was set
Up to take whatever
The climate threw at me
But exposed to so much torrential rain
Brought so much adversity

I could hardly keep my footing
As the planks on which I sat
Were narrow and were rotting
That was where I was at
Balancing and being chained there
What if it all snapped
I would be left hanging
Permanently trapped

I went through shades of darkness
All the wretched gloom
That could fill my head filled it
All the awful doom
Of the neglect and cruelty
Characterless and square
Nothing to do from morning till night
Apart from breathe the air

A preponderance of idiots
Create this vast array
Of oil palm out of forest
And the whole place does decay
The life force is reduced to
A dark shroud over head
And thousands of our forest friends
All of them are dead

And there is, no compensation
No reparation here
It all goes out of balance
Those living,n live in fear
The greatness of the forest
Its dimensions blow the mind
The abundance and profusion
All were underlined

A kaleidoscope of colour
A symphony of sound
Sparkling and vivid waterfalls
And raindrops all around
Now its adulterated
A hotch potch so to say
Jumbled and unclassified
Where all and sundry pay

And I was on this rubbish tip
Growing by the day
Full of crawling maggots
And smells that will not go away
This is human clutter
The ignorant accord
Two fingers to our mother
In fact there is no reward

It is a mutilation
Fragmented and left bare
No green shoots of survival
Nothing anywhere
We have lost all order
And continuity
And its place there is now nothing
But pure disharmony

And when you are on your own some
Time drags as well we know
Every day feels endless
As tedium does grow
It becomes depression
And a loss of what is light
As the body goes through stages
Of only seeing night

And then one day I was rescued
Discovered found and I
Was taken from that spot where I
Had thought that I might die
Taken off that narrow plank
And the chain in fact they snapped
So I was free to turn my head
As the waters of life lapped

I am now in a sanctuary
Resting wide awake
Eating fresh and sweeter fruits
There is so much give and take
My new life appears better
I can really say they care
Two years of neglect though
Makes it hard to share

International Rescue
Though, has done it for me
And so if you can help them out
Then my energy
Can come back I can live again
And strengthen as I go
And get to climb up trees again
And be part of the show

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to A lonely soul

  1. Claudia Ferri says:

    Made me cry Rex..
    Thank you X

    • Rex Tyler says:

      It is sad how everything can come tumbling around us in life
      There but for fortune go you or I. As they say
      Sorry to make you cry but the poems are becoming
      More tearful I have noticed that myself x

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