Brian Boswell he is the man
He owns the circus thats in town
A tiger from the precious zoo
Sadly he fell down
Caged up, no wild habitat
Lame if you ask me
Escaped and limped back to the wild
Where he needed to be
They expected him to be darted
But when the party came
They shot to death the tiger
With a shot gun yea the same
Blasted it and blasted it
Compassion far awAy
This is what an owner does
So the papers say
The light went out remarkably
Whatever the reason for
They could have saved the princely one
But clearly they were sure
He never raised his handsome head
Or walked towards them they
Were sad to see him shot to death
And being made to pay
These circus owners truly think
They are above the law
They search the world for animals
Who suffer and some more
Why shoot a healthy animal
Why cut it down to size
There really was no reason to
Why cant they realise
The morals and the standards
In zoos and circus do
Favour the human beings
That sadly it is true
The animals become victims
And there is no guilt about
The innocence is done away with
And the animals look in doubt
A tiger brave and full on
Lies beneath their feet
This is what now happens
As the rainbow bridge doth greet
Humility and caring
And loving through and through
A life of tears and torture
For that is what the circus do
Despite the many warnings
And lack of empathy
Why not save the tiger
Why blast it and just be
Bloody awful to it this the circus way
Pay it back for escaping
Make the tiger pay
And, once again, sobbing ~ dear Rex ~ you are so blessed to be so gifted ~ and your compassion shines through….
Oh my !! what poignant penning~Thank you Rex. I too, have tears reading this ode to the fallen, through human evilness.
Yes dear Shesh. A tragic story of evil on an innocent and beautiful Tiger
Not even the witness expected such ugly dark behaviour
Thank you Jenny
This dear soul shot to death for no reason other than evil and psychopathy
This monstrosity needs to be shot