Poor hyena

A clearly frightened Hyena
Was seen running up a road
In Palestine we are led to believe
Clearly a heavy load

On his frightened shoulders
You can feel the apparent fear
The traffic and the alien space
And people just too near

Palestine a strange place
Really not a place of peace
Living under the Israeli boot
Really on a lease

But that does not absolve them
From the cruelty they have shown
3 men in a car getting excited
Must have known

This earthling was in fear of them
All the more reason why they should
Have shown the beast compassion
Just because they could

But instantly their poor regard
For anything around
Got them really chasing it
Watching it go to ground

Whistling, beeping their horn
All alien sounds alas
The hyena very nervous
As you would be they were crass

They started picking rocks up
Big bits actually
And tossing them at the poor soul
Hopeful to run free

But clearly he was exhausted
And lying there we saw
Him stoned to death
By hatred reduced to blood and gore

Such aversion for an innocent soul
Lost and running free
Up a highway panicked
How would you expect to be

Chased by ignorant assailants
Shouting psycho cases
Cornering a wild soul
These ignorant disgraces

To them it felt so funny
That aversion to life
The nausea to see this
Creating all this strife

The malevolence attested
Exasperates us all
Lets hope they get their medicine
For Israel got the call

The hyena suffered terribly
Their loathing and their hate
Such rancorous persuasion
Thinking to berate

A wild soul with such behaviour
Shows them for what they are
And hopefully they will suffer
And their lives this will mar

All their pent up anger
The sullen sore display
Growling animated embittered
All the way

Querulous behaviour
fractious to the core
With all the worst intentions
Resentful and so sure

They wanted to get their own back
On something anyone
The soul was in the wrong place
At the wrong time
In the sun

Vindictive you could feel them
Brazen and unkind
Ruffians they are everywhere
Just out of their mind

The poor soul clearly suffered
And the police know doubt will see
These three get a hiding
And a jail term actually

I don’t doubt for one moment
That they will feel the wrath
Israel will be showing them
A devilish new path

Of that I am sure the poor Hyena
It will not help him
But this is happening everywhere
We are living on the rim

Of sanity just everywhere
Our world is fucked for sure
No matter where we are living now
Its happening more and more

And the wild souls are the front line
Where no mercy is shown
The fox and badger in GB
Their cover oft is blown

This hyena reminds me of the wild fox
In this land
Chased and brutally murdered
By the home grown band

Here they are called the respectable
The cultured but we know
The psychopaths are everywhere
And the numbers grow and grow

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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