TAIJI often refutes the notion
Of mercury
Eating dolphins
Eating Whales
But Its now no mystery
They check our their hair samples
But that only relates to fish
They do have much raised levels
But maybe their other wish
Of amalgam fillings
Japan is into those
And hair sampling does not
Trace the mercury
From amalgams
So it may pose
Significantly higher levels
In the people of Taiji
Who condone these awful
Dolphin hunting methods
But don’t see
All the accumulated mercury
In their bodies for they
Are only testing for fish mercury
Which is really not the way
My thoughts to the people of Taiji
Is get it all checked out
The PCB’s And the benzenes
Are weakening you no doubt
Along with the methyl mercury
In dolphins especially
You need to stop this killing
And set all dolphins free
A loss of face there may be
But your loss of life is worse
Your children and the older ones
Are receiving your curse
We have polluted oceans
And the predators they pay
So eating their flesh
And having fillings
Really there is no way
That you can keep on doing this
For you are getting the lot
The karmic debt is awful
Don’t dismiss this as rot
Your government are not telling you
So what you have to do
Is check out just how bad you are
Its worth checking and Its true!
Then we must consider thimerosol
Its is the most toxic chemical and is included in
Vaccines due to dirty establishments so they must have this chemical to sanitize the shots
Add this percentage of mercury to the amalgam and then add the methyl mercury from the dolphins and whales and tuna
And you have a cocktail in the. Taiji population of insanity at the very least