This old girl is 68
And lives sadly in japan
Lives in inokashira Park
Apparently the plan
Was years ago to replace
That had starved to death because
A war was on and so upon
Her arrival
What she had done
Was be put inside a concrete cell
Nothing there at all
No grass no trees
Nothing to please
Not even a ball
No comfort there
No stimulation
No love no care no thought
No exercise to speak of
She of course is over wrought
She gets into a temper
And keeper have been hurt
She clearly is disgusted
For treating her like dirt
6 decades with the Japanese
Hard task masters they are
In no way are they delicate
She has many a scar
And nothing much to play with
Totally uninspired
Tiresome irksome monotonous
Her handlers she would have fired
For being totally boring
Their indifference was so
The cell was awfully boring
Going too and fro
All that heavy concrete
So cold on her feet
Stuffiness and dreariness
And the time when they did beat
Her some did they were cruel to her
No amusement did she get
Everywhere was heavy
And very often wet
A dismal hole to live in
Solemn and sedate
This was such an archaic place
That nobody would rate
Hanako they called her
“Flower girl ”
But she thought
It was not appropriate
For she was clearly caught
In a cell of coldness
Of bareness no redress
The smallest cell in all the world
Which no one would confess
She had a piece of tubing
She’d play with everyday
Not the games that intelligent animals should
But just enough to save her from mental ill health
Which she
Was susceptible to for certain
And perhaps infinity
Would one day stop her swaying
Her head case had to be
She was bored to hell with their
Now its to a sanctuary
One hopes she will soon go
It will be her just relief
For someone in the know
Defeatist and real glumness
Carried deep inside
Unhappy and cheerless
And never in her stride