It was thought that Chimpanzee’s
Were not keen on water
Their nature most excitable
Although so much like us
In Senegal they have found
Amongst the trees
A group in playful mood
Deep in the water
Swinging from a tree but
Loving it
Discovering the talent
That did fit
This was quite a change
From what was thought of them
Their use of tools
Jane Goodall had observed
Clearly they also had developed emotions
Were very impulsive
An unnerved
Rivalry was paramount
For certain
Clearly they have culture.
To be sure
And a great intelligence for numbers
Can interpret good from bad
And justice more
They can understand the choice
Of teamwork
They grieve and will protect
Each other too
Helping humans tasking
Really for the asking
And can collaborate
That they can do
Five times as strong as humans
They are dangerous
What they think about
One surely knows
More and more they use tools
And use logic
Rational powers
And clearly pose
Some questions for the human
As to why
they still lag behind us
With so few differences really
They cooperate and hunt
And by and by
Perhaps they will catch up
Their matriarchal substance
Is a strong bond we can see
Mother and baby clearly
Love each other constantly