World travel Market and Sea world

Today i went to Sea World
As a listener
I wanted to learn their motives
For all they do

Their ethic about the capture
Of Some of the ocean’s predators
And how they justify it now
All through

They see themselves as philanthropists
How they rescue animals and train
How they breed the dolphins
And the orca’s
And how they truthfully according to them

The veterinary care 24/7 at their premises
Everything is catered for the need
Except an ocean and live fish and of course
the interaction
The living plants the living world
Discounted just like that
How they bring these amazing souls
To the public and where they are at

In terms of how they feed them
With science in support
Everything they ever do
The cetaceans are in their thought

The fact that they make money
Enormous profit, that
Is kind of all discounted
They do not smell that rat

They talk about their customers
How children are impressed
Many go on to seek professions
Passing every test

They are guiding lights
They are teachers
Thy are mentors all the way
Working to safeguard the dolphins
Who are safer every day

Protected here in sea world
Thats the merry tone
The natural world is a dangerous place
For any soul alone

They forget to talk of the social aspect
The family life which they
Completely disregard it seems
And therefore make them pay

They have the most immense feeling
For their families as we know
And splitting them as sea world does
Is bound to be a blow

i sat for about an half an hour
Giving the man the chance
To come up with an answer
There is no song and dance

Whether it is ethical he leaves that up to you
And appreciates there are many schools of thought
And that is true

But to steal a killer whale from its surroundings
And plop it in a tank of concrete, they
Die a slow and painful and frustration death
For the great performers clearly they do pay
Forsaking their freedom more costly everyday

Dave said as to ethics some would say we are
Some might say we are not, I would say they are far
Removed really from saying a wild orca should be
Tanked up in the concrete dish for all eternity

Its so cruel for the animals and so unfair as well
We take them from their heaven and deliver them to hell
They live with this frustration and boredom does them in
They would be helpless in the ocean thats how they begin
To demonstrate their purpose and he was keen to say
In his estimation they would never swim away

Once more folks this is arrogance for given half the chance
They would be leaping over the wall doing a merry old dance
Whatever man believes of himself it is nothing like the role
Nature spread before them to improve their soul

They have their corporate fingers stretching far and wide
Really into all sorts of pies where apparently they hide
Strengthening their resolve and purpose in Every thing they do
And they believe if it wasn’t for them they are doomed really too

We shall see in years to come the folly of their ways
We can only watch them grow and know that now each creature pays
So much in their freedom and their natural way to go
Given the chance you wouldn’t see their arse for dust I know

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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