Hunters when they are
American or from the Western places
They can wear their camouflage
And show their pretty faces
But those who call it bush meat
Killing gorillas bonobo’s and more
They stalk in the darkness
On the jungle floor
Snares and guns are their domain
Pangolins and deer
In Kenya 19,000 mammals
Are murdered every year
hunters, they are hunters
The low life with the gun
Relentlessly a hunting
For the money and the fun
Really there is no difference
Whether they kill to sell
Or talk up sport thats what I thought
taking us to Hell
Hunters are an anathema
The animals that are wild
Do not belong to anyone
They are the wild child
That we all share and we should care
Not kill as hunters do
For the trophy or the camera shot
Or Chinese medicine who
In their right mind
Would do this
Psychopathy is rife
Hunting should be banned outright
For it only creates strife