Running away from the USA
Its obvious to see
The blackfish movie told the truth
Really it was key
And activism around the world
Has been stepped up as we know
And the lying hasn’t stopped at all
Its all part of the flow
Wanting to expand their facilities
The state saw through that they
Knew they wanted to breed there
And ship babies away
Ship them to the Middle East
Where they think people don’t care,
Whether whales are stuck in tanks
In such heightened despair
Being in the desert you don’t see many whales
And the arabs will pay millions
But seemingly it fails
All the blooming hurdles
Its obvious to us
And the, coastal commission
WHY they are making such A fuss
They are going to challenge
The ruling through the court
Its typical bravado
They say they have fought and fought
Decisions about wild cetaceans
Who actually they know much
They imagine they can extend their lives
Which just shows how out of touch
They are with true reality
No whales or dolphin should
Be holed up in some stupid tank
Its rank its Never good
Dead fish instead of live fish
An aquatic environment too
The social aspects of their lives
And their mentoring all do
Much to maintain their life force
For in a sterile tank
Made to mimic real life
No ones going to thank
Sea World for this abomination
Despite the millions who
Put their bums on Sea Worlds seats
Because some people do
They listen to the propaganda
Sea world is telling lies
No whales should ever be a captor
Just look at their size
Making them slaves to your board rooms
Cash cows to your bank
That there is less stigma in the Middle East
To be frank
Sea World should be closed down
And the keys thrown in the sea
The CEO and the board should get their marching orders
There they are get our of here
Your cruelty is well known
Leave the animals in the ocean
Not in some tank alone
Depression is a major force
Your medicines are wrong
They miss the social interdependence
And thats where they belong
Thats the habitat they are use to
And they swim a long long way
Going around in a circular tank
Is boring every day
Perhaps the board would appreciate
Being kept inside a pen
And brought out daily to do some tricks
Yes we will decide when
Not just when you think you will rest
No right now and we
Will expect you to leap into the air
Now its got to be
Humans are a bunch of pratts
Especially this crew
The business of a prison
I mean its very true
Blackfish told it like it was
They lie this board of fools
Orcas and dolphins need freedom
They are the basic rules
I hope they go to court
And the commission tells them where to go
Opening up a facility in the Middle East
We know
they are after pulling back the losses
At the Arabs expense
Not forgetting the cetaceans
Sitting on their fence
Joel monby needs a lesson
In cetacean life for he
Has to realise once and for all
A tank we all can see
Is not the place for Orca’s
They need the wild wild blue
That is what they depend on
Not the likes of you
A theme park full of rides and sales
And a little space for those
Animals who need the sea
As their behaviour shows
Their lop sided fins and melancholy
Everyone can see
Sea world I just hope and pray
You close down rapidly