990 feet once one swum
Down in the depths
Having some fun
The Bottlenose does not have to be
As deep in the water around Taiji
And thats a shame
For monsters there
The taiji fishermen
Spell despair
Their rank ingratitude
And thanklessness
Causes everyone so much stress
For huge great pods
Whole families do
Swim near Taiji
Within the blue
They play each task
One of such joy
Such hospitality
They employ
A fellowship
A cordial spin
Such sympathy
Its all win win
But the fishermen
With their banger boats
Pump the rancour down their throats
Such awful terror awe and dread
Sends them into fear its said
Terror crazed and panic stricken
Many of the babies sicken
Some are slashed with a machete
Bleeding out around the jetty
Gaffed aboard lost on the sword
Lost for sure they be
No family member leaves another
Ever tragically
Swim deep dear souls
Swim far away
The unrefined will make you pay
Their vulgarity and ugliness
So undignified
Creating stress
Swim deep dear souls
Swim far swim fast
Deafened by the great pipe blast
That causes chaos and lamentation
And sadness Right across this nation
on the 18 of December, we
Will congregate and we all will be
Lifting your spirits and offering light
And hope our dolphin friends
Whose right
It is to swim fast deep and be
Alive and well in the salt sea
Continue on Continue through
To safety for the lot of you
And consequently coves of blue