Once we had forest
And the greenest plain
Caves just to lie in
To dwell and refrain
From seeing those humans
We could hide away
But as time passed
They came and we lost out ok
Nature was on our side
We were at one
Nirvana was our space
There was no gun
We were all grounded
Evolving lets say
We worked with our instinct
Every day
The unimagined was yet to come
Those negative aspects
We expected some
For living the wild life
Was potentially sweet
We knew our bearings
We lived on our feet
Our family was everything
That was how we
Learned from each other
Our identity
We would hang together
That was our scene
Coherent and with it
Like we had always been
Then it all happened
You came to destroy
Tore down our trees
Goodbye to joy
Ripped up our bushes
Burned us alive
Plunged us in darkness
We couldn’t survive
We ran through the darkness
Deep into the green
Frightened we were
At the great loud machine
That bore through our habitat
With a giant screw
You built your houses
Thats what you do
We lost the earth
That softness was gone
Now it was concrete
No plants upon
This type of violence
It was everywhere
Certainly no place
For any old bear
We were off like the clappers
Down to the stream across it and
Into the thickness to dream
But you lot came closer and closer
But we
DidN’t know where to go
For you we could see
You put out your rubbish
In bins and we thought
That you were feeding us
Yea the new sport
Going down human town
Bagging some food
The indian take away
That did exude
A spicy character
Greasy as hell
Bears do like grease
And the sugary sell
So of course we are drawn
And thats when we find
Your guns pointed at us
Because we have dined
On the shit in your bins
We pull it around
Sorting the best bits
Yea on the ground
And it pisses you off
And it pisses us too
That you lot moved onto
Our land which is true
Habitat loss due to your
Concrete boxes
It hurts us all from bears through
To foxes
All of us critters
Need space for to be
Living our lives
Into our destiny
Already the forest is laden
With change
The trees many gone
Out on the range
The plants and the birds
They have flown away
And the insects and butterflies
Are not here today
What you are doing is poaching our lives
Then threatening us with your bows and knives
Your bloody rifles its every day
We have to watch out
Or get shot away
Wild forest living is not good no more
You came and told us that we were at war
And recently such a great onslaught where we
Lost 300 bears all shot rapidly
In the space of one day
The mindless were born
They came in their droves
Our hearts were soon torn
Out of our bodies our ladies too
And our little babies
Orphaned their view
A terrible world as sinful as hell
Sordid and vile we all knew well
We had to go hide find a cave
Get away
But many still got shot
And died on that day
They are nothing but vandals
Destroying it all
Complete desolation
We now can’t recall
Those joyous days before humans arrived
When bears and all wild folk
Always survived
So much imbalance and
Our food sources gone
It is no place to be
Natures creation
Is concrete and glass
And dustbins and litter
Its one great big farce
Man un kind lives here
Man unkind feels
He is superior
And what that reveals
Is the death of all wild life
Of forests and lakes
In just a few years
For thats all it takes
Wise words, thank you Rex
Thankyou Claudia it has to be said to these ignorant fools
Who build brick enclosures and tear down our walls
Who drive us away and imagine that they
Are superior drenched in their wifi array