More from the serial killers of the forest

A bear within the confines of its environment
By the grace of god
A shot rings out
There is no doubt
The shooter is a sod

He is laughing you can hear him
As the bear begins to groan
Clearly in more agony
Than he has ever known

You can feel his cries are real
Throaty and on fire
Suffering like crazy
His situation dire

And you can hear the hunter
The arse with a gun
You can see the barrel
You can feel his fun

He is laughing
He is chortling
Standing there and he can see
The victim rolling in such pain
In such adversity

Remember this is a wild soul
Living where he was put
And these vile insults of humankind
To a bear as black as soot

Battle on the margins
The bear wrapped up in pain
3 shots hit the angel soul
Just shoot him again

A fourth shot rings out
Its over
The bear is gone, farewell
And then you hear thank you lord
This bloody infidel

This blackguard and this insult
Has the nerve to call the lord
And implicate his teachings
Who on earth can now afford

This monster with a shooter
Who clearly cant shoot straight
With a video taking arse ole
Who marked the sweet bears fate

A list of would be murderers
Is circulating fast
All their names and e mails
Their personal details cast

Out into the forest
The internet so wild
Ted Nugent and the rest of them them
And clearly Satans child

Up against the animal rights
Brigades around the world
And clearly they will
Regret their role and how they have
Been hurled

Into the wrath of the innocent
Of the angels and the rest
Who have seen them all for what they are
People to detest

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Bears, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts). Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to More from the serial killers of the forest

  1. Claudia says:

    Thanks Rex. Despicable

    • Rex Tyler says:

      Their extreme violence says a great deal about the state of hunting the parlous state of the psychopaths all around the world their lust for blood we could hear it in all its vileness
      The state of florida needs to look into its soul and discover just how corrupt its citizens really are

  2. susan lane says:

    Well done Rex! Thank you

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