Look at his braids
His bright pink socks
His cape of blood
The Great beast ROCkS
Horns a pointing upwards to
His heaven somewhere in the blue
He has been stabbed
So many times
Weakened and bleeding but still
He climbs
to stand up
And be slaughtered by
The cocky shrimp
Lets ask him why
The bulls eyes open drenched in pain
Blood pouring from his snout again
Still alive
After being jabbed
Pushed around
And again stabbed
This is brutal
This is vile
Really this is off the dial
Spain takes up its cultural thing
But honestly what can it bring
To this sick cruelty
This odious scene
Of mutilation that there has
ever has been
Its makes me sick to hear the thud
To see the bull and the flood of blood
Coughing violently watched by those
Who paid to see this I suppose
Sicko’s with no soul at all
Into hell prepare to fall
Knock your sangria back and see
What the hell it does for thee