Lacking foresight

For an amazing and gorgeous paradise where life was
Full and green
Through the minds of selfish greedy corporates
We have seen
A living forest torn down and slash and burn
In force
And all to make a commercial oil for the Palm
Planted to source

This was a crime of unimaginable ignorance
For the thousands of wild animals we lost
The vast store of medicinal plants we may not ever find again
This was done at an enormous cost

And we then replaced the paradise with hell on earth
Palm oil an environment that gives
Very little in the way of paradise
For in essence in the area not much lives
Its dark and sombre attracting rats and vermin
The life force all the light and water gone
And what we saw in Borneo was the evil that is man
Beastiality was born and many a fan
Came to experience the joys of “Pony”
An Orangutan shaved of its crimson hair
And she would sit and be a sex slave
To her madam
This shit honestly it drives me spare

All this evolved from low life around palm oil
The profits shot up through the roof it seems
This poor soul was shaved every other day
When she slept who know what were her dreams
The hatred and aversion of an animal
To put her through this evil all the day
This loathing and detestation of a female in her prime
For dirty filthy men prepared to pay

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Beastiality (sex with animals), Orangutan(Person of the forest), palm oil. Bookmark the permalink.

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