The thing that always puzzles me
With the carnivores around
They eat the standard farmyard souls
That once walked on the land
Under the warm sunshine
And the cooling rain
They lived on what they were born to eat
And life though still in vain
For them at least produced some little freedom
But right now
Everything is mechanised and
can living creatures take this
Well the answer now in short
Is they have become our prisoners
In life and of course in thought
Concentration camps the sort made
During various wars
Terrible food that will exude from us
Please no applause
Hormones antibiotics gm feed and more
Vaccinations and all sorts
Outside natural law
Its the concrete sphere
And wire cages
Restrict them let them be
In such tight spaces and feed them up
So their lives are short they see
Little but each other crammed in tightly they
Sleep and eat and shit in the same place
Yes everyday
Sick ones stay sick actually
Some die and some may
Get eaten by the others
This now is the way
Rats and flees and lice and roaches
Frequent these abodes
Hell on earth we create it
And just loads and loads
Of trouble and of cruelty
And that is what we eat
We kill so many animals
The numbers would unseat
The sanest human beings
But those carnivores don’t care
They are also medicated
Which The animals now share
All the shit we give them
Through the milk and meat
It all gets recycled
Think of it as your treat
And the dairy trade
And the meat trade
Lie and get their sales
And the egg trade
What a bunch of crooks
Their murdering it pales
Into no significance
The crushing of male chicks
Out of the egg sexed quickly
And crushed by human dicks
So then we get the delusional ones
The hunting tribe and they
Go out and kill the wild souls
Ambush them in the way cowards
And yobs might do it
Trappers too, they be
Laying vile contraptions
That torture egregiously
So carnivores anonymous
Why not go and steal
Rats and mice from these here farms
To compliment your meal
They will be lacking hormones
And antibiotics, they
Will surely have some meat on them
And you might not have to pay
Then there are the other wild souls
And the insects too
Probably spiders and wood lice and ants
On them yea chew
Why use all this prejudice
And all this that crawls
You can put it in your pot
Even off the walls
Is it because you are squeamish
You only want what has been killed
Behind closed doors by psycho butchers
After the blood is spilled
And all the joints are cut up
And placed on a pristine tray
Then you forget it had been a cow
Which you made to pay
She gave up her children
So you could feed her milk
To your kids for their breakfast
All calves of that ilk
Are slaughtered mostly within a week
Probably for your dog
Or used in ethnic restaurants
Alongside some old hog
Last year they found horse meat
I am sure a lot is out there
Recently they also found human genes
Its not rare
It may not be dead humans it might be
Saliva and piss
A little bit of finger nails
Not something you should miss
Countries that experiment
On animals like here
In Britain all the monkeys
Are tested on its clear
They wont have enough to eat
Too many being killed
The white coats get their bloody share
Where so much blood is spilled
And thats done under licence
From the government of the day
These charges tortured and cut to pieces
No matter what you say
Some no doubt would eat them
In a sausage or a pie
Probably they are eating them
And don’t ask me why
Trillions of dead animals
Are hauled around this place
Torture and sick cruelty
Its true it is the case
And the more meat eating population
The more aggression too
The more cruelty reported
All of this is true
Lack of respect and empathy
Does go hand in hand
With abusers and consumers
Who are abusers
Other are employed to kill
The animals
All of them want so much not to die
They scream they try hard to escape
But they are forced back
Wonder why?
They love the life they were given
Despite our prison cell
Despite our experimentation
Despite what is pure hell
Our mentors are the animals
They communicate with care
They show their love by action
But being eternally fair
They take their deaths and their torture
And many don’t fight back
Allow themselves to be sacrificed
Let farm hands attack
Cows such gentle beings
Mothers who have cared
For their babies only to see them killed
Very few are spared
What that does to any mother
Is sicken her right through
And then we come to steal her milk
Which rapidly runs her though
Slit her throat whilst she is living
Kosher and halal now
All of them are doing this
Such death for mrs cow
And every other animal
Designated to be
Kept until they are crippled
And then killed as painfully
As they can for its kosher
Fuck the kosher I say
Fuck the killing without stunning
And wait for your judgement day
Fuck the entertainment
The circus the rodeo the ring
Whether its bulls or kangaroos
The karma it does bring
Down upon you bastards
In the cancers that emerge
In the other vile disease
Nature is having a purge
Of human beings who cant see
The light and want to be
Living in the darkness
For all eternity
The primates and the Beagles
Are abused and sold and they
Most of them end up in surgery
And the corporates pay
So thats big money and more profit
And butchers blocks don’t get
Many monkeys for human meat
But maybe some pet
Ends up in a curry somewhere
Many places have been shut
Using cats for chicken
Using someones mutt
In ASIA all is different
Cats and dogs and snakes
All sorts of bloody bush meat
And many other fakes
Out takes from the animal kingdom
Squashed into their stews
A different mind set out there
Whether thats good news Or not
Its about killing
Anything that runs
And murdering all the family
Like the dolphins
Many tonnes
are murdered
Now in TAiji and other places too
In Japan some 20,000 every year
Is what they do
The typical bloody carnivores
Eats dead flesh every day
Asians much less actually
That is what they say
As they grow more affluent
Consumption then can be
Higher so more animals killed
That is what we see
Cows have amazing spirits
They love their children so
When we steal them from them
They cry and cry yes so
A haunting terror rises
From their very core
When you hear it
It puts the wind up you
Especially if you know
And these dear souls we are slaughtering
Cutting their throats so they
Cough and splutter and then bleed out
On any given day
Hung up by a hind leg
Exposing their female parts
To men who paw and cut them
They are a bunch of tarts
Then men the bloody torturers
Its patriachal flair
The feminine is trodden down
And many are unaware
And actually partake of feminine
Animals on their plate
This an an anathema
That no goddess did create
Cadaver consumption is digestion
With such strain
Just eating dead bodies
With all the shit they gain
The hormones and the additives
The antibiotics they
Were fed on every fucking week
Now its for us today
The adrenaline from the fear aspect
And they get lots of it
The diseases of confinement
We make them live in shit
Over crowd the farmyard economically
And then decide who is going to die
And when it should be
You are consuming medication
Synthetic high on sin
Thetic you Are pathetic
In your bottle in their tin
And of of course modern medicine
Always blames those who
Suffer something from outside
Not inside of you
The great nutrition ladder
Is really without end
Animal abstinence is the answer
Would you eat your friend
Perhaps be metaphysical
About what you now choose
And do this in the name of love
From some of my clues
AnimAls that eat animals
Have shorter lives than those
Who eat a vegan diet
Clearly the fact we chose
Elephants and gorillas
Compared to tigers and lions
A tortoise can live 100 years
Before he sings the blues
And so to us a similar style
Is relevant today
But must consist of whole foods not this processed crap
We play
Into the hands of the corporates
Trying with all their might
To reduce the population
As if they have a right
With government interjection
Chem trails from the sir
Fluoride in our water
Amalgum they don’t care
Thimerosal in our vaccines
Along with formaldehyde too
And solvents snd pthalates
And so much more
In the toxic stew
Thats put around our being
In the dosed up animals too
In the pesticide ridden vegetables
And fruits oh yes its true
There is a great big minefield out there
We have to maintain care
And now the wave of wifi and tetra
We all share
Smart meters 4 g 5 g mercury and more
We are being bombarded by the army of the gore
The radiation people the illuminati lot
Who are giving us their blessings and talking
Quite some rot
Instilling propaganda into fearful minds
And blotting out all relevance with all their hurtful blinds
Most cannot see the writing on the wall not any more
And blissfully go to their own end expressing just how sure
They are to take the path to eating dead flesh
And they sayt
That the vegans are a bunch of twots
Who do not pay their way
Love you. Thank you
Thanks for writing. Susan good on yer