What we do to babies and justify it with profit

Any commercial enterprise that operates in this way
Should be consigned to hell itself
For theres no way it should pay
To murder little babies. To rape to kidnap, they
Are little babies after all
How can that be a way

Dairy is an industry that sells itself as kind
Milkmaids with white aprons
The mindless underlined
The cruelty as standard its really hard to bear
And the publics support of it
I am lost for words so there

The cows the greatest female the mother
To admire
She loves her babies as we do
Her heart is full of fire
For them
Raped by strong arm tactics
Some blundering labourer who
Will no doubt punch and pummel her
Until the baby’s due

9 months she will be caring
And as soon as her baby falls
Its taken from her immediately
For the profit margin calls
The baby must not drink her milk
He is only there
so she can have milk
For the human calf
And suffer the despair

Allowed to live its eating into profit
And so maybe a veal calf for a while
Tortured chained inside a crate
Until its sick and dying
Then its killed and becomes
your precious
Hear the angels crying

You buy it and prepare it and you eat it
And you say
The meat is pale and delicious
But The little mite did pay
Was stolen from its mother
Who cried for weeks for she
Loved her little baby
But it was not to be

Her baby has been slaughtered either straight a way
Or for veal or pet food
And She was made to pay
The cruelty of dairy is completely without words
And this is what they do to most of the
Dairy herds

But not content with evil that I have described to you
They treat the animals with out respect
They are cruel yes all life through
They beat they kick punch and slap
The babies thrown about
Picked up by their genitals
There can not be any doubt
The agony these babies feel
Its more than I dare say
To go into the dairy is to
Sell your soul away

All the hormones antibiotics
And chemicals galore
The pus and there are vast amounts
From her udders that are sore
Are included in the milk
Its boiled of course for you
Made into cheese and butter
But this story isn’t new

Dairy Farmers most of them
Should close down right away
I have no respect for any of them
The corporates their way
Is heart breaking to realise
What the babies do go through
Providing you with milk and cheese
And veal but it is true

We create a hell on earth
And partake of the spoils
We actually pay the corporate
To torture and those boils
That come up on our bodies
Are a direct result
Of the shit we let them throw at calves
Which feels like a thunderbolt

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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