Peters thoughts on Taiji

Its really about energy
And its generation here
London takes to battling
The Taiji dolphins fear
It swells our inner organs
Our sleep is affected by
The huge numbers of dolphins
That in Japan can die

taiji steps up and its coloured skiffs
Go out into the deep
Their banging poles are ready
Its when activists do weep
The dolphins go to chaos mode
Their sonar shot away
By the connivance of the Japanese
Who make those families pay

They drive them screaming shaking breaking
Back into Taiji
Herd them they are sensitives
Caring constantly
They will never leave an injured friend
And so YES they stay
The Japanese are a hard race
And they make the dolphins pay

For their care and their attention
For their love of dolphin kind
They make the dolphins suffer
They break the dolphins mind
Responsiveness apparent
Unlike the Japanese
They do not possess that feeling
And the suffering does please

The fishermen who are butchers
Evil men who show
The world how really vicious
They are, but we all know
We see them in the water
With their pithing rods of steel
Force it into the blowhole
And Watch the pain for real

We look into their deep set eyes
We hear each cry of pain
But the Japanese are dead from the neck up
And back again
In London at the protest
There is fury you can feel
900 or so angels
Fight the dolphin deal

The embassy over the road
Must hear the distinct roar
As we all shout our heads off
As we prepare for war
Whistles horns drums megaphones
Every sort of sound
The energy is rising
The traffic noise is drowned

Out by all the chanting
The police have ear plugs
are feeling it so what about japan
They hear today
Their work inside the embassy
Is disrupted by
The great wave of supporters
stand with them and just cry

You feel those pods of dolphins
You see their avid play
You know joy is their catchword
And how they are made to pay
You feel their tears you know the pain
It comes at you in waves
Caught up in the emotion in the ocean
No one saves

The dolphins from the torture
From the chaos from the fear
Mothers daughters babies
Lovers everybody’s here
The family tree in real life
Will be slaughtered hard today
All will witness everything
In the evil bay

Taiji its name its echoed
Through the streets of London Town
And all our hearts are aching
As the dolphins souls go down
Rob Hill and Jo and peter
Record the thrills and the pain
The reaction of the public
And why its all not in vain

The energy is massive
Its thrilling to be there
Anyone with half a heart
Could realise and share
The park trees are a shade away
And on that pavement we
Get the whole place buzzing
Over the infamy

That happens out in Taiji
So many hear its name
Shame shame shame on Japan
And Taiji is to blame
The carnage it is awful
These feeling mammals are
Slaughtered in the water
Their bodies how they scar

Slice up bleed the ocean
With sinew and with pain
The homeopathic residue
Must drive the world insane
To cap it all they are floundering
In a sea of mercury
In the direst chemical cocktail
So harmful actually

And those Japanese children
Forced to eat that meat
Are taking in the toxins
And must thank the elite
The PCB’s the radiation
These higher mammals hold
Resident in their tissue
Around their bodies rolled

They are toxic waste in fact
And their blood is being spilled
They are finding it difficult
But still they are being killed
Culture who would stand up on the podium and say
Murdering sick mammals is culture anyway

Only feeble minded brain dead mercury ridden fools
In the advance stages as their mouth alas now drools
Many of them truthfully are sicker than they know
And still the dolphins have to die
On the great worlds stage they show

Peter now in America still brings it home to see
The films he took and puts together and it brings it back to me
I see myself and all my friends standing making noise
Shoulder to shoulder we fight them its now one of life’s joys
Great waves of sound rise upwards and float across the sky
All these hearts are beating and now London knows why

The dolphins in their majesty can sense the upward trend
And fight to save themselves more so life is not at an end
More blue days in September less dolphins in the pot
We still have tears and heartaches but so far there has not
Been the carnage that we have seen that tears into our core
taiji let us be, taiji set us free , blood on your hands and more

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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