Funny it isn’t Cameron
Its Rosindell,Davies and Chope
3 tory blokes
Whose clowning jokes
Really they don’t have a hope
Its all for the good of the circus
An antiquated old show
That puts cruelty up on pedestal
As most thinking people now know
Today lots of friends of the animals world
Came clutching their banners held high
An elephant a lion and a tiger in person
Waving their banners to the sky
Singing their chants to the heavens
Raising the positive stuff
From Romford to Christchurch
To Shipley
Saying we have all had enough
Expecting an elephant to ride a bike
Or get on its hind legs and dance
Expecting a lion a majestic beast
To jump through fire hoops
At a glance
All of these animals wild as they are
Should never be caged or restrained
And three tory MP’s have got to see sense
Because it is leaving me drained
It makes no sense and its so very sad
That MP’s should stand in the way
Of progress in animal rights in this world
Not make the animals pay
Circus is now passed its long sell by date
And live souls cannot wait anymore
There is no glory in being a tory
For I am begging you not to ignore
The cries of the animal kingdom
The deaths of their babies and why
So that animals can be imported
And no longer see the blue sky
Shut up in cages for all of their life
Not allowed foraging they
Are not in a wild state being in trailers
And transported every day