Bruce Ciz (Debunking Taiji Japan Dolphin Slaughtering)

Dedication for Bruce Viz a new friend who has let me join his pod tonight

The vulnerable mammals that swim
By Taiji
Who share their charmed life
Its where they have to be
The massive Pacific
A realm in the blue
Where one true defender
Bruce Ciz wants to do
His best for the Dolphins and Porpoise
That ply
A sort of chaperone on their journey
And why
For he knows as do many
These angels must be
Given free reign
In the blue sanctuary

Taiji has fisherman and all that
They do
Is send out their banger boats
It is their view
That these wondrous mammals
Are fair game and can
Be tortured and murdered
By any man

They create such chaos and drive them
To fear
Into the cove where they die on the spear
The steel pithing rod that cuts through their spine
And a hammered wood stopper which is then the sign
That these dolphins are bleeding internally
These wonderful creatures killed egregiously

Its a precarious existence for dolphins
And he
Thats Bruce and his friends they all watch what Taiji
Is up to, they monitor day in and day out
Creating an energy without a doubt

Its a great pleasure to be asked to like your page
And to work more closely with Claudia Ferri who is so tenacious and such a wonderful champion for and against animal cruelty

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Bruce Ciz (Debunking Taiji Japan Dolphin Slaughtering)

  1. Claudia says:

    Thanks dear Rex what lovely words x

  2. Rex tyler says:

    We are all in the ocean together fighting each others corner and its is good that so many of us get on well together and y so doing our fight is made easier and More rewarding x

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