
There is a certain arrogance commonly about
From human beings dare i say who seem to be in doubt
Animals of which I am one care we really do
We were sent here to be mentors to be carers YES for YOU
In the far east we are tortured
We are eaten used for fur
Around many of your necks the collars once they were
Our skin our fur that is what they were
And karmically your debt to us
Those wearing dog fur
Anoraks with collars and cuffs you have to see
Even if the labels say its fauxfur it might be
One of us was hung up and skinned alive in pain
Or one of us was eaten and bled out in some drain

I need to try an impress on you dogs have feelings, we
Care aBout who looks after us and just how we can be
Responsible and loyal to them and caring for we know
That sometimes you get sick and need some help and as we grow
More responsible and more caring inside ourselves we can
Look after you and love you that was the great big plan

some of you got an inkling and you train us but we know
Instinctively we are caring and sharing and we show
Loyalty and affection despite the imperfect world
For some of us Being tortured and some of us are hurled
And if you happen to be a beagle
Then your government of the day headed by Mr. Cameron
Thinks it is okay
To take us to a facility in England and to breed
One of our star pupils simply just to bleed

To sell abroad to be cut up to have invasive surgery
And all of this is done by so called Science actually
And not a whiff of painkiller its all done in the raw
Better for the experiments plenty of blood and gore
You humans are fantastic
Because of what you do
This poet called rex tyler is a terrorist the clue
Is he writes for animal rights whereas the farms that breed
They get
Medals they get planning thats where karma is set

I am a training disabled dog and that is what I do
I love and care for my guardian and I am good and true
You trained me to be honourable and honourable I am
All the while I know they are eating us out there it Vietnam
In China and in Cambodia and Laos and Singapore
In South Korea and in Japan and probably next door
Then its fur called faux fur because some people object
To using any animals fur and so they will reject
But humans being what they are they lie and say its faux
When actually its cheaper to use dog as well you know

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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4 Responses to Poppy

  1. Claudia says:

    Love this Rex it needed to be said!!
    Kudos to your thoughts x

  2. Rex says:

    I just saw that picture and the posts and just had to talk on behalf of that dog i just had to probably upset a few people but humans take for granted that only they care and love and its all crap most dont know what it means apart from valentines day and a bunch of flowers now and then

  3. susan lane says:

    Well done Rex!! They need a wake up once in a while – actually, frequently. ZAP them!

  4. Rex says:

    Thanks susan dont they so much abuse these days it just never ends

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