Siberia boasts herds of wild red Maral Deer
With fast growing velvet bones and the desire
Is first and foremost hunting them
But secondly its farming them
And tragically their life on earth is dire
Why because of markets in the Far East
Like rhino horns and lion bones similarly
Old men feel it helps with their libido
And this animal of course is running free
Viagra blood baths are the so called answer
To being young again or so they say
Who the hell wants to be younger anyway
If it means this bloody torture along the way
Its said that drinking the blood makes wrinkles
Imagine for a moment all those dreams
Of wrinkled up old men who can hardly count to ten
And women who are splitting at the seams
So off they go to the wilds lands of Siberia
Mountains sparkling streams and wooded pines
Book a weeks vacation perhaps with a relation
Expecting afterwards to see the signs
The Maral stag is rather handsome animal
Goes about in herds but in these farms
Is tortured every year
They must shake because of fear
Finding themselves in these Russian Farmers arms
Dragged intO a medieval chamber
Where they are roped up in such a tormented state
And there their velvet antlers are barbarically sawn off
Their eyes bulge and their heart beat at a rate
This is really bloody awful treatment
The terror in their eyes it says it all
The shrieking and the screeching and the guttural raucous
These poor bewildered angels their enormous eyes are poking
Looking this way look that wondering really why
They must suffer quite so much and quietly inside cry
The sawing starts no painkillers the blood drips down
The stock
I cant imagine how they feel
But bloody hell the shock
And all the time these farmers are swearing trying to
Frighten these gentle creatures and they are
successful too
Blood loss is a problem a coagulating dab
But then they cut the jugular and 3litres of blood
They nab
Shuddering and shaking almost at breaking point
All the while the cutters swig the blood
Its like a joint
It gives them quite a high they say
For me its one big low
How people bathe in deer blood
Who the hell would go
But people do they sit in these baths
Morning noon and night
Waiting for youth to return
And their skin to become bright
No wrinkles and their libido
As frisky as can be
With not a thought for the tortured deers
Who supply it tragically
If you are a Maral deer expect this every year
For 15 years its possible
Who the hell lives here
You’d want to leg it over
The mountains and run away
But these deer stay apparently
And with their blood they pay
They say after one bath
You feel euphoric
My goddess After one bath I would die
Imagining the agony of an angel
That lived up in the mountains near the sky
The antlers then are washed in boiling water
And cooled down straight away
And left to dry
The markets in the Far east are amazing
And thats the business should you have asked why
Traditional Chinese Medicine
is guilty on a lot of counts
For they
At this rate will be killing off the animals
There won’t be any left thats what some say
Its quackery beyond the realms of fantasy
And these poor souls must suffer every year
Each antler costs 200 dollars per kilo
Yes 200 dollars didn’t you hear!