Cecils law

Brian May the badger man
Queens guitarists and wild life fan
With lots of hair
And energy
And of course a spot in history
When Cecil took that fatal shot
Lured out of the park
By the hunting lot
The cowardly crew with big bucks to blow
Who let him suffer as we all know

These trophy hunting millionaires
That kill for fun how they
Oil the wheels now everywhere
They seem to go today
So they slaughter without permission
Chop off the great beasts head
Strip off its skin
And disembowel
For that is whats been said

Then off to get the trophies cured
And shipped back home so they
Can hang them on some dusty wall
And just watch Them decay

How easy it is to end a life
But create one no no hope
These are fucking psychopaths
With vast stores of soft soap
They can throw their money all about
And the local people, they
Break the law for they are poor
And if you want to pay

Anything is possible
Corruption it is rife
And governments like Camerons
And Obama’s all this strife
Is anything but proper
The message that it sends
Is anything is doable
If you have the right friends

This bloody dentist scarpered
Buggered off he ran
The hatred he engendered
Was more than any man
Its sickening to hear him
And the others of his breed
Who pay to kill and get away
Selfish they are indeed

Trophies they call them trophies
Dead body parts they are
Soaked in bloody formaldehyde
Why is there no bar
A law to stop this happeningn
Blood money all who get
Involved in all this business
Such a karmic debt

Brian May is hoping that Cameron might see
Might move his arse a little
And stop this instantly
These hunters are an anathema
Worthless ignorant sods
And because they have the money
They are treated just like gods

They are mean and miserable larcenists
These animals belong
To life and to creation
And creation is never wrong
Each has a valid place on earth
And its not to be shot through
These are odious evil men
Who do what they now do

There is a lot of rancour
And soreness of the heart
Whether its a lion called Cecil
Or a Rhino lets us start
A giraffe perhaps a buffalo
Whatever these bastards choose
This killing spree is a violence
And is really horrid news

It truly is a malignancy
A cancer of the soul
These animals belong to no one
They have a precious role
To serve the planet honestly
And their families too
Not be murdered by some upstart
Some hardbitten screw

We know that those who do this
Go on to kill some more
They are remorseless in their attitude
They love to see the gore
Skin and disembowel a famous lion
What the hell for
They are sadists and it must be stopped
This isn’t what life is for

So get behind the petitions
Worry the Cameron mob
Don’t let them get away with this
Its our children that they rob
Its Africa thats suffering
Whilst governments look away
More concerned with the lobbying
Than whats right I have to say

We disrespect the environment
At our cost please be sure
Conscientious and decent people work
Within the law
But these pumped up rich dentists
And others what they do
Is whatever they feel like doing
And their money gets them through

trophy hunting is evil
Thats the truth of it
Its got to be stopped
Their bubble popped
The tinder has been lit
The bomb will go off somewhere else
When another soul is killed
When another GPS collar
Is destroyed and blood is spilled

Its totally out of control today
The good for nothingness must
Be wiped off the face of our precious world
And laws passed that are just

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Lions, LIONs and their meat. Bookmark the permalink.

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