So for Broome its all historic its goes back
Loads of years
To the laying of the foundation
Thats what it appears
In Broome’s Pearling industry
Where Japan took the lead
And despite the dreadful Dolphin drives
Apparently still does feed
Right into Broome’s true psyche
Its historic through and through
They discount all the cruelty
Though are clueless to it too
Taiji has not come clean of course
It denies what it does
The cove seems not to have reached
And there just is not that buzz
The terror and the callousness of the fishermen
Of Taiji
Is apparently lost on the people of Broome
Thats what it seems to me
If I lived in that area I would be
Most upset
That a load of murdering fishermen
Were increasing my karmic debt
But the Citizens of Broome seem just
Indifferent to it all
And are carrying on the tradition
Despite the worldwide call
So I guess what we now have to do
Is carry on the fight
Explain the true nature
And why we think we are right
TAIJI is a really awful place
That kills Dolphins by the score
And to align oneself with evil
With all that blood and gore
All that terrible suffering
Huge pods of families lost
And the pretty ones sold off to sea parks
At an enormous cost
They are mercenary hunters
Exploiting ocean wealth
And doing it in darkness
Clearly with much stealth
Its cruel and its egregious
Its malevolent and wrong
And really needs that change of heart
For Broome does not belong
In such vile company