A typical street just anywhere
In this day and age
Huge great corporations
With balance sheets off the page
Sitting in a doorway
A homeless man who knows
His circumstances nobody
But his sadness surely
No home no bed no food no friends
Imagine will you what that sends
Out there in the street at night
In a life devoid of light
He’s invisible to the passers by
They have their own lives
Which is why
They fail to see him squatting there
With his bucket and his bed roll bare
Fortune seems to have passed him by
Look closely a tear is in his eye
He was once happy he was once, he
Had some bad luck and now he be
On the street nearly every day
He’d been beaten up but he couldn’t pay
Anyone for anything
No fixed abode
That infernal ring
Till one day sitting all forlorn
Wishing perhaps he had not been born
Someone sat by him and asked if he
Could borrow his bucket
To drum on and be
Giving the passers by some hope
Some music helping them To cope
Another came and played guitar
And another came to sing
The star was the homeless man
Aghast was he
As the angels played
And he could see
The public noticing him at last
And money appearing pretty fast
What does it do for the homeless man
What does it do for those that ran
Passed him every day before
And what does it do for you
I am sure
We all can imagine that man alone
Maybe we have been there
The seeds we have sown
The illness or redundant note
We were just unable to stay afloat
The angels came in The form of souls
Made some music entered their roles
Made a man happy he could buy some tea
Or a place to sleep and feel happy
If we see a soul on the pavement lets give
Something just help them to bloody well live