those Armenian soldiers
Sicko’s for sure
Find a wild wolf
And then just ignore
Its presence its shyness
Its sedentary style
And then start to taunt it
And sadly defile
Be off handed and scurrilous
Sadistic and cruel
Vindictive and hurtful
With unholy gall
This is a wild soul
Lost in our street
Taking a thrashing
Now bound to unseat
The worst kind of emotions
As what we now see
Is the wolf trying hard to escape
And be free
Torture and brutality
Isn’t the way
Its not what the animals work with
To pay
This kind of price
On a given day
The soldiers were crude
Expletives did flow
This was enjoyment
As such it did grow
The wolf couldn’t see it
No meaning there
No reason to do this
And he wasn’t aware
This whole debacle
Could end up real bad
Vinegary villains
Making him sad
There seemed no reason
To antagonize
To be so aggressive
It was such a surprise
Dragging him up by his back legs
Then threw
him back on the pavement
A beating so true
A presumption of guilt
The Armenian crew
Ready to laugh out loud
Ready to swear
And share in the kicking
Thats what happened there
The wolf had to contend with evil and worse
For some reason suffering most every curse
Imaginable , till its death had to be
The reason the end result most tragically
Given no quarter and expecting none
This great soul dispatched as others have done
To a great godly paradise somewhere away
Where Anubis does wait and young soldiers do pay
It won’t be the tank fire or shell in their ear
But it might be the great god Anubis whose here
Gnashing his teeth in his blood lusting way
And forcing the Armenian soldiers to pray
Cracking their bones with his fangs no doubt he
Will pay back the deed they gave out certainly
Denude each testicle chew off each hair
And make those brave soldiers puke out everywhere