Cecil and the American Dentist

Zimbabwe Cecil’s place of birth
A National Park was where
He lived his life in harmony
And clearly learned to share
His whereabouts with humans
Putting up with all of that
Wearing a GPS collar
So they knew where he was at

Guilt and culpability
Walk hand in hand they do
Close friends with criminality
The involvement of a few
So called big game hunters
Whose malpractice some accept
In this case unforgivable
No matter how adept

To lure a mature Lion
Out of its territory to
A place where it could legally
Be shot and in full view
Of a mercenary hunter
An American Dentist who
Wanted to use a crossbow
And shoot a big lion through

Paying over fifty thousand dollars
Good value he
Was after taking back its head
And skin as a trophy
Which is reprehensible
To people everywhere
Unpardonable behaviour
An indulgence some now dare

To label as their pastime
Their sport its what they do
A camouflage of circumstance
A villainy thats true
An egotistic infidel
Whose lack of conscience shows
Complicit in the ugliness
That seemingly just grows

This Lion an immense character
Famous one can say
Certainly the most easily
Identified there in Hwange
Lured out of the sanctuary
In a shameless act of woe
Tying a dead animal on their vehicle
We know

A Lion would get the scent
And clearly thats what happened here
A bunch of bloody scoundrels
That much we see is clear
Good-for-nothing hunters
Opportunists let us say
Under the mantle of a permit
A temptation to betray

To neglect whats right and obvious
The indiscipline of the call
The irresponsibility
It brings shame on us all
The value of such an animal
Of its cubs too who will be
Murdered by another Lion
To retain his majesty

This was clearly some transgression
This canned hunting lark we know
Is sinful its offensive
Though the cases grow and grow
Its all to do with money
And with loopholes in the law
It is a misdemeanour
That needs looking at for sure

Lured by mans iniquity
Corruption at the core
Really human weakness
Its something most deplore
The addiction of the psychopath
To fulfil his evil deed
Its a lust they have inside of them
They just have to succeed

And to do it with a crossbow
Unblushingly his way
To bring down a majestic soul
In such a graceless way
And as it happened wounded
Cecil left in pain
And tracked him tis said for 40 hours
Which has to be insane!

How can that be sport
Its callous wickedness its wrong
Its drunk on the infernal
A weakness all along
That poor Lion clothed in agony
Punished for indeed
To be hunted so relentlessly
Whilst all the time you bleed

Not an ounce of pity
Just an unmerciful desire
To frighten and to weaken
And to make conditions dire
For the king of beasts
A proud boy who clearly
Would run and run
With a crossbow bolt
Stuck in him
Under the hot sun

What brave conniving hunters
Abusive through and through
Who when they did catch up with him
Shot him bad and true
This time with a rifle
Ended his sweet life
He died in total agony
In unbelievable strife

And then what did they do to him
Ask yourself and see
If you can get the answer
This is how they see
A Lion just as a trophy
On some dusty wall
And so they hacked his head off
And skinned him as is their call

This really famous animal
With GPS collar got
Poached by a bunch of arse oles
Courageous this is not
Big game this is no game
Its murder through and through
For some rush of adrenaline
Whatever that does to you

To me its sick and demented
Its selfishness and more
Just to pull a trigger
And see it hit the floor
Perhaps cry out in anger
In frustration too
Its damnable behaviour
There that is my view

And now all sorts of stories
Flying everywhere
They are sorry that they killed the Lion
The fact is they don’t care
If they cared they wouldn’t hunt
Hunters sadly they
Know nothing of conservation
Not when they can pay

For them its a malignancy
A cancer in their soul
For a moment their surge of excitement
Kind of takes control
13 years that precious Lion roamed
And made his mark
And now the rainbow bridge opens its doors
And where Cecil was, its now dark

His aura was resplendent
He was famous and he was strong
He wore his GPS collar
Marked he was all along
Humans made him what he was
And, inevitably
Humans gunned him down
The fame and the infamy

Apparently the head and skin
Has been confiscated so
Cecil’s head will not adorn
The lodge it will not go
Off to Minnesota and hang up on some wall
That at least is something
For this debacle does appal

Hunters are an anathema
Their minds are shot away
The industry supporting their madness
Too I’d say
Again its about money
And profit margins, they
Clearly make a killing
In every fucking way

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts), Lions. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Cecil and the American Dentist

  1. Anne Järvinen says:

    I hope the Karma will take care of you.

    • Rex Tyler says:

      Take care of who the murderer or the lion or me who are You referring to since you never mentioned the poem I don’t really know

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