Clearly they are doomed these people
Deviants they be
Talking up tradition
Whilst pillaging the sea
Using up the hearts blood
Damning youth to be
Orphans from the broken pods
Whose life expectancy
Would have far exceeded this morning
Whole families wiped away
By the bastards in the Faroes
On their so called grind Today
They turned the sea to crimson
Ritual killings they
Are murderers they sacrificed
And For this we must make them pay
They were fighting back objections
And giving us that look
Smothering blood upon themselves
They should be brought to book
Who saw this evil happening
This ugliness this shame
Vilifying the innocent as part of their game
Will never be forgotten how can it ever be
This extermination of true creatures of the sea
The dolphins don’t belong to them
They are world creatures they
Need protection from these fiends
These butchers of the bay
That their police force remain aggressive
In the light of what we see
Shows us Denmark is also slipping back
So let’s boycott them and see
Stop buying fish from the Faroese
And from Denmark right away
Boycott meat and all their food
Then see then what they say
Let them catch the dolphins
Let them tell us they
Do just what they want to do
And we can say okay
We will hit your pockets
Your economy
We will forget you islanders
You cretins you can be
Slaughtering the dolphins
And wiping their blood on you
But we won’t buy your bloody goods
And see if that will do
As vegans we must make a stand
Let them know that we
Resent their base creation
Their disasters cannot be
Get Out into the ocean and realise the pain
These dolphins would have gone through
From the islanders disdain
And tradition
They are sick and need to be
Told in no uncertain terms that this carnage
Cannot be continued the dolphins need to be
Wild and left to their own selves
Out there in the sea
Let’s exclude them from The human race
And label them man unkind
Let’s ban them from all fishing
And tell them that their grind
Is evil and it’s nasty
It’s unfair in every degree
It is now so important
Saving lives under the sea
Today they turned their noses up
And wiped themselves with blood
It was warm and sticky
And they created a red flood
The sea was churning crimson
From the sinew and the pain
And the Faroese were laughing
But they will not laugh again
to be read by me outside the Danish embassy
On 10th of July.
Come and support us we need everyone there
As do the pilot whales and the dolphins people
I cried so hard Rec. That says it was very good, well written. Those people are BARBARIC……They need to be stopped. Those Angels of the Sea aka Pilot Whales are NOT theirs. I HATE those murderers. I wish they would get their KARMA…NOW…EACH & EVERY ONE OF THEM.
straft sie alle mit Verachtung, auch die die diese Morde unterstützen! Dänemark, ich lerne Dich zu verabscheuen, denn es unterstützt die Delfinschlächter mit Polizei und Schiffen! Und es sollte doch unser Freund sein……….
Good you agree. Denmark really should know better than to side with such human beings still living in the last and acting like barbarians
Christen seht hin was dort geschieht, Intelligente Geschöpfe werden wissentlich gemeuchelt! Ist das der Wille Gottes?